
  • n.昆虫学家

复数: entomologists



a zoologist who studies insects
Synonym: bugologist bug-hunter


  1. But on top of that , Merian , a German-born woman who lived in the Netherlands , also managed a successful career as an artist , botanist , naturalist and entomologist .


  2. Dr. Jessica Weir , Entomologist , American Natural History Museum


  3. The solution is for entomologists and plant breeders to develop a dynamic program of collection and evaluation of germplasm .


  4. It 's a magical time for entomologist Dr Jessica Weir , whose 16-year-old daughter wasn 't even alive the last time she saw these insects .


  5. The first time an entomologist reported the purpose of swarms was in 1906 .


  6. Forest entomologists have concentrated on ecological problems .


  7. In 1965 Japanese entomologist Uchida reported 2 species in his paper .


  8. Entomologist Kirsten Pelz-Stelinski said the problem is keeping her awake at night .


  9. Entomologists say genetically engineering desirable traits into plants beats traditional methods and will soon be widely accepted and used .


  10. Therefore , sustainable development should become the direction to Honghu wetland ecotourism . Forest entomologists have concentrated on ecological problems .


  11. An entomologist who specializes in the collection and study of butterflies and moths .


  12. a concept that was developed by an entomologist , Timothy Myles .


  13. Entomologists have tended to underestimate the importance of colonization through dispersal .


  14. The entomologist is working with the Ministry and WHO to conduct larval and mosquito surveys to develop a strategy for vector control .


  15. The entomologist speaks from experience .


  16. Contrary to oft-repeated claims , climate change is unlikely to cause a major rise in malaria , says medical entomologist Paul Reiter .


  17. So if you 're not a professional or amateur entomologist , why should you care that mosquitoes harmonize before mating ?


  18. " I think the future for this approach looks quite rosy ," says medical entomologist Willem Takken of Wageningen University in the Netherlands .


  19. Paul Reiter , a medical entomologist from the Institut Pasteur in France , contests whether climate change is causing a rise in malaria at all .


  20. In the late 1990s , Jose Peruyero , a former police dog handler , began collaborating with entomologists at the University of Florida to improve training for bug-detecting dogs .


  21. What 's a world renowned entomologist with a doctorate and 20 years of experience to do with his life when the university cuts off the funding for his lab , huh ?


  22. With the European Community Humanitarian Office ( ECHO ) support , the WHO Regional Office for Africa will be sending a team composed of an epidemiologist , entomologist and virologist .


  23. They sent specimens to researchers at the California Academy of sciences where entomologist Tracy audisio , a research fellow at the California Academy of Sciences , puzzled over the new find .


  24. An entomologist and a virologist from the National Institute of infectious diseases , japan , partners in the Global Outbreak Alert and response network , are assisting the Ministry of health , timor-leste .


  25. A team from the Global Outbreak Alert and response network including a virologist , logistician , entomologist , geographic information specialist and epidemiologists are expected shortly to assist in controlling the outbreak .


  26. In order to accomplish this , the designers looked at various spiders through an electron microscope , so that they could include realistic details that only an entomologist could possibly know are correct without the aforementioned microscope .


  27. 10 . Entomologist Albro T.Gaul once jotted down in his notebook that a particular species of ant in northern Massachusetts began its wedding flight at a certain day and time .


  28. Graham B. White , a medical entomologist who is a consultant to the U.S. Defense Department on disease-carrying insects , called the Argentine doctors ' assertion " ridiculous " and " not credible . "


  29. One of the authors , Maria capovilla , another entomologist at the Sophia Institute , insists that much more work is needed before scientists can be sure that aphids truly photosynthesize , but the findings certainly throw up that possibility .


  30. At the University of Florida 's Citrus Research and Education Center , some of the world 's best botanists and entomologists are trying to save the existing trees , grow new ones resistant to the bacterium , and make the insect incapable of transmitting the disease .
