epithelial duct

Capillaries were no expansion and no inflammatory reaction . Cells were simple columnar . Epithelial and duct were clear boundaries .
The structure and epithelial appearance of duct and gland alveolus do not have much difference .
However , the peak time of ETB mRNA receptor was at 6 hour and mainly localized on renal medullary tubule epithelial and collecting duct cells .
The effect of apoptosis in biliary epithelial cells on bile duct hyperplasia in jaundiced rat liver
[ background ] Primary liver cancer ( PLC ) is malignant tumor primary at hepatocyte or epithelial cells of bile duct .
Conclusions : Bcl2 protein may take effect on the canceration stage of the pancreas cells and is related with the epithelial canceration of pancreas duct .
The neoplastic epithelial cells within the duct show minimal hyperchromatism and pleomorphism , but they have holes with sharp margins as though punched out by a cookie cutter .
RESULTS : Histochemically , in normal rats , the NOS positive staining was found in epithelial cells of respiratory duct including bronchi , alveolar duct as well as in endothelium of pulmonary vessels , and the negative staining was found in pneumonocytes .
As shown by tissue sections , it was found that the trophozoites were first obtained in the epithelial cells of bile duct 3 days after infection , and the schizonts had been seen at the 6th day , but the peak number occurred in 13 days after infection .