error term

美 [ˈerər tɜːrm]英 [ˈerə(r) tɜːm]
  • 误差项
error termerror term
  1. A number theoretic function and its error term of mean value


  2. The Error Term for a Kind of Number Theoretic Functions


  3. Research on simulation of management error term of stochastic frontier model


  4. Research on Error Term of Composite Formula of Integration


  5. The new convolution model has one delay error term more than conventional one .


  6. A local interaction field consists of a usual error term and a window function .


  7. The Count Average Value of Optimal Error Term Which is Connected with Euler Function


  8. New results on error term of generalized Landau


  9. The specification of random error term is a complex problem in econometric modeling .


  10. Unit root tests on time series with GARCH-SGED error term


  11. The magnitude of the error term is specified as a percentage of the link cost function .


  12. Integral average order estimation of error term of weighted sum for a class of arithmetical functions


  13. On the other hand , the assumption of random error term is too stringent .


  14. In the regression analysis , it is common to assume the independent homoscedasticity on the error term .


  15. On a weighted mean square of the error term related to the Dedekind totient function


  16. Functional Central Limit Theorem Approximations and ADF Unit Root Test of Financial Time Series With GARCH-GED Error Term


  17. Compared with the existing literature , the proposed approach fully considers the virtual error term which is generated in backstepping design .


  18. In order to properly eliminate VAR model in the error term between autocorrelation , we determined the lag stage is three .


  19. In this paper , a new process of estimating autocorrelation parameter is given when remedying autocorrelation of error term in regression model .


  20. The paper gives new estimation to the error term of the asymptotic formula of the basic function F ( u ) in the sieve method ;


  21. The constant angular rate was applied to three axis of turntable at the same time to actuate dynamic error term of accelerometer .


  22. Based on the approximation property of fuzzy systems , a nonlinear system can be expressed as the form of linear parametric model and a modelling error term .


  23. Secondly , writer separated out common factors of individual at the same point from a random error term , and established a corresponding binary response panel data model .


  24. It is assumed that the error term is Gaussian white noise in classical econometric model , which does not been supported in reality and economical data .


  25. The result shows that this filtering method can decrease each random error term of mechanically dithered RLG effectively and improve the accuracy of RLG .


  26. In the upgraded method the temporal departures of radar velocity or reflectivity are used instead of the state variables and a retrieved error term is added into the model equation .


  27. Finally , the variable nodes collect all related messages and take these as soft information to calculate weighted error term , which makes the location of the flipped bit more reliable .


  28. For example , current GDP is influenced by what happened to GDP , employment , and inflation in the past , and by unexpected shocks ( the error term ) .


  29. On Some Conditions that the Convergence of Generalized Integral Makes Integrand Tend to Zero ; Integral average order estimation of error term of weighted sum for a class of arithmetical functions


  30. So , a new method for improve the precision of the angular velocity estimation is applied , which uses the product terms of the angular velocity to acquire the error term and compensate the angular velocity .
