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  • 网络埃斯佩兰萨;希望;希望号
  1. Friends and neighbors will say , What happened to that Esperanza ?


  2. You just remember to keep writing , Esperanza .


  3. The living condition on Mango Street and various kinds of people Esperanza contacted with there make her growth look like a fairy tale .


  4. Esperanza , the heroine of the novel , is a character of semi-autobiographical nature .


  5. Esperanza . I have inherited her name , but I don 't want to inherit her place by the window .


  6. The environmental group Greenpeace 's Esperanza ship was trying to find the fleet but said that the whalers had turned off identification equipment .


  7. Health Secretary , Esperanza Cabral , said such relationships went against the country 's commitment to the World Health Organization 's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control .


  8. But I am always Esperanza .


  9. and then we blamed Esperanza and fired her ...


  10. And I wish my name was Cassandra or Alexis or Maritza - anything but Esperanza - but when I tell them my name they don 't laugh .


  11. The American gallerist Esperanza Rosales moved to Oslo from Brussels in the fall of 2011 to do something unheard of : launch a commercial gallery as an outsider .


  12. Then , through analyzing the identity crisis which heroine Esperanza is facing , we can see how terrible the living environment in which she lives is : poverty , racial differences , discrimination against women and self value confusion .


  13. Unfortunately for Aguilera , actress Eva Longoria was spotted in an almost identical dress over a year ago at the 2012 Padres Contra El Cancer 's El Sueno De Esperanza Benefit Gala .


  14. There were easy ways a cynical , sentimental crybaby like the million little pieces guy could have told Esperanza 's part of the story . Crisis , violence , redemption , whatever : that 's what he knew about .


  15. Conservative Popular Party politician Esperanza Aguirre , who lost to Carmena in the 2015 mayoral election , said : ' Her left-wing council only does slogans . The idea of a no swimsuit day is just one more of her crazy ideas .
