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  • 网络头信息;实体标签;电子标签;伸请
  1. Server sends back page A , plus an ETag for A.


  2. Otherwise , we set the ETag response header in preparation for the next client request .


  3. The origin server specifies the component 's ETag using the ETag response header .


  4. An ETag is a string that uniquely identifies a specific version of a component .


  5. Client renders the page then caches it , along with the ETag .


  6. Generally , you should check for concurrent updates by verifying the ETag of the underlying work item .


  7. Client requests page A again , passing along the ETag it got back from the server the last time it made the request .


  8. Because the server generated the ETag in the first place , it can use it later to determine if the page has changed .


  9. This is considered good form for server generated content as it caters for clients that don 't understand ETag headers .


  10. And removing the ETag reduces the size of the HTTP headers in both the response and subsequent requests .


  11. We are computing the ETag value after the page has been rendered on the server , but before sending it back to the client .


  12. The ETag response-header field value , an entity tag , provides for an " opaque " cache validator .


  13. If you 're not taking advantage of the flexible validation model that ETags provide , it 's better to just remove the ETag altogether .


  14. We use the count as the ETag , so when the client sends it back we know if one of the objects behind the page has been modified .


  15. The second approach uses a more sophisticated method to track changes in the model used by the view to determine ETag validity ( a " deep ETag " implementation ) .


  16. Public services APIs usually help clients with implementing the caching mechanisms by populating standard HTTP response headers : Cache-Control , Expires , and ETag .


  17. My hope is that this article has provided you with food for thought for your current and future web based projects , and an appreciation for the under utilized ETag response header .


  18. This is an ideal place to apply our ETag comparison logic so that if we find the data that is used to build a page hasn 't changed we can avoid further processing .


  19. If there is a ETag match , there really is no need to pull in the data for the model as the rendered page will not be sent to the client .


  20. By default , both Apache and IIS embed data in the ETag that dramatically reduces the odds of the validity test succeeding on web sites with multiple servers .


  21. The first approach we will look at is to create a Servlet Filter that will generate its ETag token based on the content of the page-the " View " in MVC .


  22. We first make sure we are dealing with a GET request ( ETag in conjunction with PUT can be used to detect conflicting updates , but that is beyond the scope of this article . ) .


  23. Server examines the ETag and determines that the page hasn 't changed since last time the client requested it , so sends back a response of304 ( Not Modified ) with an empty body .
