exchange of goods

美 [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ əv ɡʊdz]英 [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ɒv ɡʊdz]
  • 商品的交易
exchange of goodsexchange of goods
  1. Free exchange of goods was advantageous to all .


  2. International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries .


  3. Talking on the Function of Finance to the Modern Exchange of Goods


  4. Global trade is more than the mere exchange of goods and services .


  5. There is a direct exchange of goods .


  6. Foreign trade , the exchange of goods between nations takes place for many reasons .


  7. The modern exchange of goods is a current one , but also one of timing and individual needs .


  8. International trade , the exchange of goods and services between countries , take place for many reasons .


  9. Advertising originates from production and exchange of goods .


  10. Money is the tool that the social people created for the exchange of goods needs for survival needs .


  11. Advertisement appeared due to the exchange of goods and developed rapidly with the development of commodity economy .


  12. Equality , mutual Benefit and the exchange of goods with foreign countries are the principle of foreign trade .


  13. The means of exchange of goods and services between man and man was smitten to the ground .


  14. A focus throughout the exhibit will be on interaction between rural and urban areas through exchange of goods and services .


  15. Foreign trade means a country or a region with other countries and regions carried out by the exchange of goods and services activity .


  16. Brand communication is one of the information dissemination activities , which has begun with the human social life and production and exchange of goods .


  17. The exchange of goods , ideas and know-how is deeply rooted in the city of Santa Fe .


  18. Please understand that I cannot offer my customers a later delivery ( de facto exchange of goods ) as a solution .


  19. Hong Kong stood out then , as it does today , as a symbol of the open exchange of goods and ideas .


  20. Enlightenment of Watershed Management at Home and Abroad for Weihe River equality , mutual Benefit and the exchange of goods with foreign countries


  21. Traditionally it is held that advertisement is the result of commerce economy , it 's appearance accompanied production and exchange of goods .


  22. To change , go , move ; with derivatives referring to the exchange of goods and services within a society as regulated by custom or law .


  23. Since surpluses of food could also be bartered for other commodities , the Neolithic era witnessed the beginnings of large-scale exchange of goods .


  24. Our family lived in several countries , and I was fascinated by the free exchange of goods and services between individuals and companies the way both parties could benefit .


  25. International trade is the transnational exchange of goods and services in the form and it is transnational ( or transregional ) transfer of the property rights in essence .


  26. However , in the thriving international trade in goods but also for the international exchange of goods , trade fraud , fraud or criminal acts of the induced and the breeding objective factors .


  27. We seek an open world -- open to ideas , open to the exchange of goods and people -- a world in which no people , great or small , will live in angry isolation .


  28. China is South Korea 's largest trading partner and the exchange of goods between the two nations is set to ramp up in the wake of last year 's Korea-China Free Trade Agreement .


  29. A Study of the Policy of the Financial and Economic Commission of the Central People 's Government Council for the Restoration of the Exchange of Goods between the Cities and the Countryside Around the Founding of New China


  30. With the rapid development of domestic economic construction and the improvement of international status , the port as a hub for the exchange of goods between countries and regions , their status becomes more and more apparent .
