- adj.可解释的;可说明的

Well , the reason in a recent case is actually quite explainable .
Which , long story short , was definitely explainable .
The second , we give emphasis on the explainable indicators and theirs economic implication .
Beyond the range of the normal or scientifically explainable .
After 1993 , the influence of permanent and transitory income on consumption behavior is strongly explainable .
Something told me that it wasn 't my last race , but I don 't think it is explainable .
His language at such points generally seems to be explainable primarily in terms of his expository objectives .
This is also explainable in virtue of the explanatory power that speech act theory has in describing conversational sequencing .
Oregon female , age twenty-one , no explainable cause of death . Autopsy shows nothing . Zip .
They are explainable as a species of mental atavism .
In the research of detection model generation , it is desirable that the detection model be explainable and have high detection rate , but the existing methods cannot achieve these two goals .
Some observers say the best way to achieve that is to adapt our legal regimes to ensure that AI systems are " explainable " to the public .
A striking feature not explainable in terms of simple viscus behavior is the characteristically blunt terminations or steep outer margins of debris flow .
But knowing that the " sleep munchies " are probably a real thing with an explainable physical cause can only help those of us trying to improve our droopy-eyed eating habits .
According to Synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) explainable is very different because of implicit multiply noise , the paper discusses a processed method based on direction filter and fuzzy logic-Fuzzy Direction Filtering .
By introducing Heat-Annealing theory , it increases the scope of algorithm application , at the same time , increases the proportion of explainable hidden events . ( 4 ) Research on the software architecture .
The research of this thesis is aimed at proving that presuppositions in jokes are functioning in creating humor effect in an explainable , systematic way , rather than randomly and haphazardly .
Plenty of theoretical and empirical researches find that specific human capital theory has unique explainable power on many issues , such as wage growth , labor turnover , reemployment of displaced workers and retired officer and so on .
It was concluded that : ① the structural variables , including alternative employment opportunities , autonomy , procedural justice , role conflict , pay satisfaction and supervisor support , showed their more powerful explainable ability for turnover intention ;
The court 's relative liberality may be explainable in part on the basis that in Duke power , unlike the more restrictive precedents , the necessary causal relationship had been established through evidence in the district court .
He gave an interview to Spain 's El Mundo in which he expressed his firm belief that el mundo was the work of scientifically explainable phenomena , not of a supreme being .
Then the thesis selects the most important factors from looking at the real estate market in a microeconomic prospective . Then the thesis sets up an econometric regression model with the factors as the explanatory variables and the real estate price as the explainable variable .
While such experiences are profound , no one has returned with proof or verifiable information from " beyond the grave . " Skeptics suggest that the experiences are explainable as natural and predictable hallucinations of a traumatized brain , yet there is no way to know with certainty what causes near-death experiences ,