
美 [eksˈproʊprieɪts]英 [eksˈprəʊprieɪts]
  • v.征用,没收(私有财产);侵占(他人财产)
  • expropriate的第三人称单数



  • 1
    VERB 征收,征用(私人财产)
    If a government or other authority expropriates someone's property, they take it away from them for public use.

    The Bolsheviks expropriated the property of the landowners.


  • ...the expropriation of property...


  1. He added : " no one in their right mind is going to invest in a country that expropriates investments . "


  2. Investors sometimes forget that the flip side of potentially supernormal returns is extreme risk , and one of the biggest risks of all is when governments simply expropriate assets .


  3. The central government should raise the cost for the local government to expropriate land .


  4. Since economy is developing and society is advancing , it is inevitable to expropriate land .


  5. Larger shareholders can then expropriate resources at the expense of the rest .


  6. Large shareholder expropriates through equity financing , cash dividends , assets transactions and mortgages .


  7. In our country , it 's inevitable to expropriate rural lands in the process of industrialization and the urbanization .


  8. To expropriate more private benefit , they always separate control from cash flow rights by cross - ownership and stock pyramids .


  9. National economic sovereignty reflects national sovereignty in economic field , which is the first important theoretical foundation that host country would expropriate investors ' property .


  10. As societies develop , their collective skill of learning and teaching steadily expropriates similar memory and skills transmitted by human biology .


  11. On the Land Expropriate Policy under the Perspective of Land Development Rights : The Case of Xiamen " Gold Rimming Silver " Policy


  12. Another circumstance is that the government executes its taking right which can expropriate private property with fair compensation and due process for the public interest .


  13. Convertible bond which can not improve company performance has become an alternative tool for controlling stockholders to expropriate un-controlling stockholders .


  14. If the two sides cannot agree , the commission could resort to eminent domain , which allows the state to expropriate private property for public use .


  15. And from then on , there were a lot of researches about the benefit that the controlling shareholder expropriate the minor shareholder .


  16. In order to let students grasp teaching conception , let them have better theory knowledge and practise ability , I expropriate exert message technology in teaching and have better effect .


  17. The State can expropriate lands with certain compensation for the needs of public interests in accordance of the law according to the 10th provision in " Constitution " .


  18. It is very popular for family controlled firm to adopt Pyramid-controlling structure . This structure is convenient for controlling family-shareholder to expropriate other shareholders .


  19. The current corporate governance and corporate voting system allows large shareholders ( especially the state ) to expropriate minority shareholders , control the board of supervisors and board of directors .


  20. Under this institutional arrangement , it is ineluctable that the largest shareholder expropriates the interests of minority shareholders and expropriates private benefits of control .


  21. Under normal circumstances , the major shareholders often expropriate the interests of minority shareholders by transferring the resource of listed companies outside and tunneling through a variety of covert means .


  22. The current system for Farmland expropriation and requisition is that the state expropriates the collective-owned land for the purpose of public demand with non-equivalence of the compensation for land expropriation .


  23. It is government 's behavior to expropriate the land , the one that have the country is mandatory and it is the nation will that reflects correctly in the passing of title of land .


  24. At present , there exists many problems in corporate governance and performance due to the ownership of china 's listed company , securities regulation level and legal environment , especially the the controlling shareholders expropriate outside investors .


  25. In order to increase and promote the development of the economy it is an urgent matter of the moment to guarantee the economically use of the constructive land , and establish the perfect and current expropriate system .


  26. This means that the vast number of Russian businessmen in jail are victims of corrupt prosecutors , police and courts , which can expropriate a business with impunity .


  27. Now this brings us to Gates 's key concept : what does it mean to expropriate other people 's traditions , more particularly the white tradition , and what is the advantage of doing so ?


  28. With the development of economy and the adjustment of industrial structure , more and more land change from farmland to non-farmland . Among all the ways , it is the primary way to expropriate peasant collective-owned land .


  29. This paper tries to make a text analysis and an implement analysis about the land expropriate policy in using of the research method of Policy . It discusses the cause of the problems in the land expropriate process on the point of Policy .


  30. The abuse of the right to expropriate the land due to incomplete land circulation system and land trading mechanism cannot help control the land scope for construction and protection of arable land , and protect the interest of land-expropriate farmers .
