
  1. Group B : fibroblasts + Schwann cells + DMEM / F12 ;


  2. Control group III ( NSC + DMEM / F12 ) .


  3. Control group I ( SC medium + NSC + DMEM / F12 );


  4. THC imports f12 years , specialized dedicated , is worth trusting !


  5. Control group : ( DMEM / F12 + 10 % FBS ), test group : brain tissue extracts .


  6. The culture results of the porcine ear skin fibroblasts was good by using DMEM / F12 containing 20 % fetal bovine serum .


  7. Conclusion : Human umbilical vessel ring culture model of three dimensions in DMEM / F12 ( 1:1 ) serum-free medium has been established .


  8. After digestion , cells were cultured in DMEM / F12 supplemented with 20 % fetal calf serum .


  9. Developer 's tools are built in ( just hit F12 ) if you want to dig into the DOM or measure performance .


  10. Methods PC12 cell was irradiated with DMEM / F12 agent of enriched uranium , and the internal exposure doses were calculated .


  11. Otherwise object number two could never be accelerated I call that force f12 the force that one exerts on two1 I know that number two has an acceleration of one .


  12. The collected fat mesenchymal stem cells and cell nucleus pulposus with DMEM / F12 ( 1 : 1 ) medium monolayer culture respectively . 2 .


  13. The results showed that DMEM / F12 was a good cell culture medium for the epidermal stem cells and the epidermal stem cells can survive to the11 subculture in vitro .


  14. Methods Nucleus pulposus tissue taken from a one-month-old rabbit was treated by Trypsin and collagenase , and then the cells were cultured in DMEM / F12 medium .


  15. Samples in the normal control group and the model control group were cultured in serum DMEM / F12 ( containing 0.2 fetal calf serum ) without growth factor for 7 days to induce the differentiation .


  16. Basal medium was composed of penicillinum , phytomycin , amphotericin B and DMEM / F12 containing B27 annex solution of 0.02 volume fraction .


  17. The proliferation and differentiation features of NSCs were observed under phase contrast microscope after the GM1 with different concentrations were added into NSCs ' and serum-free DMEM / F12 culture media .


  18. The cells in the control group were added with DMEM / F12 nutrient fluid of EGF , bFGF and B27 to culture in 5 % CO2 incubator for one week at 37 ℃ .


  19. Umbilical artery rings and umbilical vein rings embedded in three-dimensional collagen gels in DMEM / F12 ( 1:1 ) serum-free medium grew well . The new outgrows were positive by CD34 immunohistochemistry .


  20. Methods The endometrial stromal cells were cultured in DMEM / F12 medium containing different concentrations of IL-6 or IL-8 for 24 hours , then the media were collected to measure the levels of MMP-9 by ELISA .


  21. When corpus striatum extract + DMEM / F12 ( 1:1 ) used as induction media ( corpus striatum group ), 14.49 % diencephalons NSCs was differentiated into dopaminergic neuron , significantly lower than inducer group .


  22. NSC isolated from two months old rat ′ s brain region like hippocampus and striatum was cultivated in a DMEM / F12 medium containing EGF and bFGF , and was identified with morphological character and nestin immunocytochemistry test .


  23. The pipe is made of steel X20CrMoV121 ( F12 ) . According to stress analysis and metallographic examination results , a concluding evaluation has been obtained and guides for further safe service set up , together with a residual life expectancy estimation .


  24. Conclusion The slices from 2 or 4 week-old rat hippocampi and DMEM / F12 medium may be the preferred choice for tau associated researches . An ideal Alzheimer 's disease model may be established based on the results of these researches .


  25. Method To take sciatic nerves in 3-4 days SD rats and purify Schwann cells . A group : DMEM / F12 contained 10 % calf blood serum . B group : conditioned medium of macrophages activated by self-neural homogenate .


  26. Methods NSCs harvested from the cerebral cortex of neonatal one-week mice were triturated and cultivated in serum-free DMEM / F12 + bFGF + EGF + B27 , then identified by the immunohistochemistry SABC method .


  27. The length of process in the fetal calf serum + DMEM / F12 group was longer significantly than that in the newly calf born serum + fetal calf serum + DMEM / F12 group in 4 days ( P < 0.01 );


  28. At the third-generation ( F3 ) cells continued to be cultured ( 10 % FBS , DMEM / F12 ), and the cell population is divided into intervention group and control group , the experimental group were added to different concentrations of bFGF .


  29. Rat fetal neural stem cells ( rFNSCs ) was separated from embryo about 14.5 ~ 16.5 days , and cultured in DMEM / F12 media with additives and epidermal growth factor ( EGF ) and basic fibroblast growth factor ( bFGF ) .


  30. Methods The tissues of nucleus of inferior colliculus in newborn mice were isolated , collected and cultured with condition serum-free medium ( DMEM / F12 , B27 , EGF 20 ng / ml and bFGF 20 ng / ml ) in vitro .
