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  1. Apple 's forward-year P / E ratio is 14.8 , according to FactSet


  2. The average price target of 38 analysts polled by FactSet is $ 745.80 .


  3. Pull that fund information on Bloomberg and Factset .


  4. This monthly look at the best-performing biotechnology , drug and medical device stocks is based on data from FactSet Systems .


  5. The average price target for Facebook among analysts who have rated the stock thus far is $ 37.80 , according to FactSet .


  6. FactSet estimates that tech stocks in the S & P 500 will post earnings growth of 3.6 % for the quarter .


  7. According to a report by FactSet released last week , the S & P 500 could see a deeper 1.6 % fall if Apple were excluded .


  8. It trades at about 12 times future earnings , according to FactSet , less than the price-to-earnings ratios of Microsoft , Google Inc. and Facebook Inc.


  9. Based on data provided by FactSet on companies ' net income before discontinued operations and extraordinary items for their latest fiscal year , these are the world 's 10 most profitable companies .


  10. An investment of $ 250 million represents around 15 % of the listed arm 's market capitalization of over $ 1.6 billion , according to FactSet Research Systems Inc. , a research firm .


  11. FactSet senior earnings analyst John butters expects that 104 companies in the S & P will see healthy growth in sales during the first quarter , but also a decline in earnings .


  12. Sales in the all-important December quarter are expected to be at best flat , at about 74m compared with 74.8m a year earlier , according to analysts polled by FactSet .


  13. The following stocks from within the S & P 1500 index score favorably along each of the five dimensions that the researchers employ in defining ' cheap , safe , quality stocks , ' according to FactSet .
