fake news

美 [ˌfeɪk ˈnuːz]英 [ˌfeɪk ˈnjuːz]
  • 网络假新闻;虚假新闻
fake newsfake news
  1. Until now , fake news will appear now and again .


  2. The occurrence of fake news is a expression of the journalists have lost their vocational morality .


  3. Still , Facebook has taken the most heat over fake news .


  4. The popular fake news site that calls itself " America 's finest new source "


  5. We just usually do fake news and jokes .


  6. For weeks , Facebook has been questioned about its role in spreading fake news .


  7. Fake news is not confined to Facebook ,


  8. Both Facebook and Google have moved this week to restrict advertising on online platforms carrying fake news .


  9. Some of them have formed an unofficial task force to investigate the role of their platform in spreading fake news .


  10. The site teases the fake news that it will shut down at midnight .


  11. The company is also changing some advertising practices to stop purveyors of fake news from profiting from it .


  12. The Facebook brand continues to perform well , despite scandals over fake news andviolent events streamed live on its platform .


  13. Constant fake news and prevailing negative custom have challenged the bottom line of news and occupational ethics as well as public tolerance constantly .


  14. For those unfamiliar with the concept of fake news stories , their satire and humor can easily be missed .


  15. Elon Musk 's OpenAI has an algorithm that can generate weirdly believable fake news stories .


  16. Indonesia 's government has closed sites that it says promote fake news , though experts say some portals were also targeted for political reasons .


  17. Now it modifies the way it alerts users to fake news It will display " related articles " next to disputed news stories .


  18. Its experiments on curtailing fake news show that Facebook recognizes it has a deepening responsibility for what is on its site .


  19. Artificial intelligence is getting pretty good at generating entire articles and stories , which raises troubling implications about its potential to mass produce fake news .


  20. In December 2016 , the site started showing a " disputed " warning next to articles that third-party fact checking websites said were fake news .


  21. Facebook no longer displays red warning icons next to fake news stories shared on the platform , as it says the approach has not worked as hoped .


  22. Fake news propagated by partisan websites proliferated across social media in an unprecedented fashion ahead of Donald Trump 's victory in US elections .


  23. The live drama , which employed fake news reports , panicked some listeners who thought its portrayal of a Martian invasion was true .


  24. In order to obtain the foothold in the market society , some media , journalists entered into the wrong road of the fake news either intentionally or unintentionally .


  25. It has hit us because the fake news scandal has led us to question whether the news and information we have been consuming online for nothing was ever being generated in our interests .


  26. The tests include making it easier for its 1.8 billion members to report fake news , and creating partnerships with outside fact-checking organizations to help it indicate when articles are false .


  27. The embarrassment for the world 's biggest internet company followed criticism of Facebook in recent days for not weeding out fake news that spread widely on its social network ahead of the election .


  28. He tweeted : " I REALLY DON 'T CARE , DO U ? " written on the back of Melania 's jacket , refers to the Fake News Media .


  29. However , with the fact of emerging of many studies from various experts , the question of the news authenticity turned to be more and more serious , and a stream of fake news emerged at the same time .


  30. And in some of these countries , Facebook even offers free smartphone data connections to basic public online services , some news sites and Facebook itself - but limits access to broader sources that could help debunk fake news .
