He loved them so much and he ordered the best falconer to train them to fly .
Improvement Project and Practice Measures for Water Jacket of Carbon Falconer
Falconer regression method was applied .
Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer ;
He had never seen such beautiful falcons before , so he gave them to his chief falconer for training .
The falcon cannot hear the falconer ;
Methods The complex segregation analysis and heritability calculation were performed with the aid of Penrose method , Falconer regression method and SAGE-REGTL program .
Meanwhile , genetic gains of combined selection were estimated using 3 equations according to Hodge and White ( 1992 ), and Falconer ( 1989 ) .
New measures to reduce the stress for victims and witnesses of giving evidence in court are to be announced by Lord Falconer , the Lord Chancellor .
Lord Falconer will set out his plans for more crown and magistrates courts to have video links and facilities which keep victims and witnesses separate from defendants .
Methods Genetic model of essential hypertension was analysed in 45 pedigrees with 367 persons . Pedigree analysis was carried out with Penrose ′ s method and Falconer ′ s heritability .
Now we don 't know whether Turner actually was referring into a real shipwreck or into a poem that had been published a year before by William Falconer .
A falconer in SantaBarbara , for instance , keeps pesky seagulls from invading the FourSeasons'pool .
According toD . S. Falconer 's Introduction to Quantitative Genetics , an inbreedingcoefficient of 0.50 would result in an average of a 22-point reduction in IQand a 4-inch reduction in height at age ten .
Methods A genetic epidemiologic case control study was carried out to estimate the segregation ratio and hereditability ( h 2 ) of PHC by the methods of Li Mantel Gart and Falconer , respectively .
So the all England Club gratefully accepted the services of a full-time Falconer to patrol the courts with a swooping bird of prey , named finnegan , acting as a highly effective deterrent .
A genetic epidemiologic case-control study with 297 pedigrees ( 79 genealogies and 198 controls ) was carried out to estimate the segregation ratio and hereditability ( h2 ) of gastric cancer by the methods of Li-Mantel-Gart and Falconer .
Single factor analysis was used for all the data and Falconer pattern of polygenetic threshold-value theory was used to estimate hereditary rate and standard error in suicidal behavior . Separation analysis in medical hereditary mathematic method and polygenetic threshold-value theory were applied to discuss the hereditary patterns .
According to Falconer , the heritability of forearm radial BMD was 0 2 & 0 6 , while the average heritability in our study was 0 474 , heritability value in 5 - age group and 20 - age group were larger than that in 35 - age group .