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  1. Functions of FANCL in Primordial Germ Cell Formation and Fanconi Anemia


  2. FANCL was then found to be an ubiquitin E3 ligase , which is involved in DNA damage repair [ 4-6 ] .


  3. Chinese customers spend three times as much as local Japanese shoppers , says a representative of Fancl , a preservative-free cosmetics company that is particularly popular among Chinese women .


  4. Objective : To study the localization and in vitro culture of human embryonic primordial germ cell ( PGC ) during different stages of embryogenesis . Functions of FANCL in Primordial Germ Cell Formation and Fanconi Anemia


  5. FANCL is involved in the proliferation of primordial germ cells ( PGC ) in early embryonic stages , and may play a role in the development of germ cells by forming a novel testis-specific network with testis-specific proteins in the adult testis .
