fatty degeneration of liver

美 [ˈfæti dɪˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn əv ˈlɪvər]英 [ˈfæti dɪˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn ɒv ˈlɪvə(r)]
  • 网络肝脂肪变性;肝脂肪变
fatty degeneration of liverfatty degeneration of liver
  1. The Preventive Effects of Bear Bile on Fatty Degeneration of Liver Cells in Guinea Pigs


  2. Objective To determine whether bear bile could prevent fatty degeneration of liver cells caused by high fat diet and the mechanism .


  3. Rat model of hydropic and fatty degeneration of liver were formed using complex disease-causing factors .


  4. Pathological histology is mainly expressed in fatty degeneration of liver cell injury and inflammatory cell infiltration .


  5. Results Bear bile could decrease the concentration of cholesterol in bile , raise the concentration of bile acid in bile and relieve fatty degeneration of liver .


  6. Were seen scattered in the lamivudine therapy mouse liver periportal lymphocyte infiltration , fibrous tissue hyperplasia , with mild fatty degeneration of liver cells around the central vein .


  7. The results showed that Rad ix Rhod od end ri Mollis can cause focal necrosis , edema , ballooning degeneration and fatty degeneration of liver cells .


  8. C. intybus can significantly inhibit serum ALT , AST , fatty degeneration of liver cells and reduce the infiltration of inflammatory cells , that indicated it has the protection effect of the liver cells . 2 .


  9. Results The fatty degeneration of liver was basically recovered to normal and the liver contents of MDA , SOD , GSH , Vit E , TC and TG returned to near normal range in GZT treatment group .


  10. Result : Histopathology revealed serious fatty degeneration of liver , fatty liver and the onset of hepatitis , fibrosis and cirrhosis . Along with the time progress , in islet gradually atrophic and accompanied by inflammatory infiltration . Fat cells gradually increased and with inflammatory infiltration .


  11. Model + normal diet group rat liver tissue visible moderate to severe diffuse fatty degeneration of the liver tissue damage and fat deposition .


  12. An overload of ethanol over a long period of time produces fatty liver , a degeneration of liver tissue .


  13. Formalin immersing organization will be used in paraffin-embedded , serial sections , the HE staining was to assess the degree of fatty degeneration and inflammatory response of liver tissues .


  14. The first hit is fatty degeneration and lipid accumulation of liver cells induced by insulin resistance , and the second hit refers to the inflammation and necrosis of liver cells caused by oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation on the basis of the first hit .


  15. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease , mainly refers to the liver lipid metabolism disorders as a result of fatty degeneration of liver cells and fat piling up the clinicopathologic syndrome characterized .
