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  • 网络平面光源;萤光灯;平面萤光灯;轻型护卫舰;平面萤光灯管
  1. The Positive Effects of Negative Pragmatic Transfer on FFL Learning and Cross-cultural Communication


  2. The test results indicate that both the tensile stress and the contact pressure affect the FFL .


  3. The Generating Kinetics and Mechanisms of the Cast TiAl Intermetallic Alloy FFL Microstructure


  4. Part ffl : This part mainly introduces the basic situations from angles of the economy and the tourism of Henan province .


  5. A dynamic propagation problem on mode ffl interface crack subjected to homogeneous loads at the central zone along a weak interface


  6. Chapter ffl : For the articles of Chen Zi Ang , I has made a rough introduction from type of writing .


  7. The validity of the proposed model and the approach was verified by experiments . The test results indicate that both the tensile stress and the contact pressure affect the FFL .


  8. There were collagen types ffl , V , fibronectin and lamina in the extra cellular matrix in outflow pathways of SD rat eyes .


  9. The difference between the PFL and FFL is not obvious for large tensile stresses and so does the effect of the contact pressure on the FFL .


  10. Objective : To assess the status of knowledge of FFL core messages of rural women with child-bearing age and their family members , analyse influential factors on their correlative behavior change , so as to develop communication strategies on FFL .


  11. Flag leaf length is positively correlated with biomass , Ffl and GWP at very significant level or significant level . But flag leaf width has no correlation with them . Therefore , to enhance flag leaf length is an effective way to solve the problem of source shortage .
