
美 [ˈfiːldɪd]英 [ˈfiːldɪd]
  • v.接,截,传(球);使参加比赛;使参加竞选;担任守队(队员);任守方
  • field的过去分词和过去式



  • 1
    N-COUNT 地;田;牧场
    A field is an area of grass, for example in a park or on a farm. A field is also an area of land on which a crop is grown.

    ...a field of wheat...


  • 2
    N-COUNT 运动场;球场
    A sports field is an area of grass where sports are played.

    ...a football field...


  • 3
    N-COUNT 矿产地;矿田
    A field is an area of land or sea bed under which large amounts of a particular mineral have been found. extensive natural gas field in Alaska.


  • 4
    N-COUNT (磁、引力或电)场
    A magnetic, gravitational, or electric field is the area in which that particular force is strong enough to have an effect.

    Some people are worried that electromagnetic fields from electric power lines could increase the risk of cancer.


  • 5
    N-COUNT 专业;学科;领域
    A particular field is a particular subject of study or type of activity.

    Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting, sculpture and architecture...


  • 6
    N-COUNT 字段;信息组;栏
    A field is an area of a computer's memory or a program where data can be entered, edited, or stored.

    Go to a site like Yahoo! Finance and enter 'AOL' in the Get Quotes field.


  • 7
    N-COUNT 战场;战地
    You can refer to the area where fighting or other military action in a war takes place as the field or the field of battle .

    We never defeated them on the field of battle.


  • 8
    N-COUNT 视野;视域
    Your field of vision or your visual field is the area that you can see without turning your head.

    Our field of vision is surprisingly wide.


  • 9
    N-COUNT-COLL (体育比赛的)所有参赛者,出场阵容
    The field is a way of referring to all the competitors taking part in a particular race or sports contest.

    Going into the fourth lap, the two most broadly experienced riders led the field...


  • 10
    ADJ 实地;野外
    You use field to describe work or study that is done in a real, natural environment rather than in a theoretical way or in controlled conditions.

    I also conducted a field study among the boys about their attitude to relationships...


  • 11
    VERB (在板球、棒球或圆场棒球中)防守,担任守队
    In a game of cricket, baseball, or rounders, the team that is fielding is trying to catch the ball, while the other team is trying to hit it.

    When we are fielding, the umpires keep looking at the ball.


  • At first base he led the league 21 times in fielding.

    他在一垒防守方面 21 次位居联盟第一。

  • 13
    VERB (通常成功地)回答,处理(问题)
    If you say that someone fields a question, you mean that they answer it or deal with it, usually successfully.

    He was later shown on television, fielding questions.


  • 14
    VERB 使…出场;让…参加比赛
    If a sports team fields a particular number or type of players, the players are chosen to play for the team on a particular occasion.

    England intend fielding their strongest team in next month's World Youth Championship.


  • 15
    VERB 让…参加竞选;让…作竞选候选人
    If a candidate in an election is representing a political party, you can say that the party is fielding that candidate.

    There are signs that the new party aims to field candidates in elections scheduled for February next year.

    有迹象表明新党意欲推举候选人参加定于明年 2 月举行的选举。

  • 16
    PHRASE 纵情享受;肆意地做;尽情地做
    If someone is having a field day, they are very busy doing something that they enjoy, even though it may be hurtful for other people.

    In our absence the office gossips are probably having a field day...


  • 17
    PHRASE 在实地;在野外
    Work or study that is done in the field is done in a real, natural environment rather than in a theoretical way or in controlled conditions.

    The zoo is doing major conservation work, both in captivity and in the field.


  • 18
    PHRASE 领先;带头
    If you say that someone leads the field in a particular activity, you mean that they are better, more active, or more successful than everyone else who is involved in it.

    When it comes to picking up awards they lead the field by miles.


  • 19
    PHRASE 到处拈花惹草;滥交
    If someone plays the field, they have a number of different romantic or sexual relationships.

    He gave up playing the field and married a year ago.


  1. England fielded a young side in the World Cup .


  2. Each of the main parties fielded more than 300 candidates .


  3. He fielded the ball expertly .


  4. The first commercially available driverless cars will almost certainly be fielded by ride-hailing services , considering the cost of self-driving technology as well as liability and maintenance issues .


  5. Research on Cognitive Style of Chinese High level Track and Fielded Man


  6. The numerical simulation against the infrared radiation characteristics of jet flow fielded done .


  7. The Prime Minister fielded many questions from the media .


  8. Italy fielded a strong team for the World Cup .


  9. Brazil fielded a strong team for the world cup .


  10. The company fielded a team of highly talented designers .


  11. The third fielded one man who stood in reception giving out single sheets of paper .


  12. The education minister fielded questions from journalists outside the parliament building his morning .


  13. We have contracted a good player who can be fielded in different positions .


  14. Fielded queries or queries with advanced query terms are currently not expanded .


  15. The measure systems suiting to testing fielded were designed , and the system performance well suited for testing application .


  16. The nation fielded its strongest army in the decisive battle .


  17. The minister easily fielded all the journalist 's awkward questions .


  18. The foreign minister fielded with ease all the questions the correspondents had raised .


  19. It is one of the most popular and advanced tactical UAV systems fielded by the PLA .


  20. I 'm very happy to have been fielded , it is an experience I wish everyone will make .


  21. West Ham have admitted that they fielded players illegally .


  22. Sakthi is the first C3I system being fielded in the Indian Army .


  23. This is the first armed robot to be fielded to soldiers , according to Gotvald .


  24. The buckeyes fielded a young new quarterback for the rose bowl .


  25. Senator Hart fielded questions from the press .


  26. The U8E is not the first helicopter UAV , as American firms have fielded several .


  27. When a new implementation is initially fielded , it is likely that it will encounter only a subset of existing implementations .


  28. The chairperson skilfully fielded several awkward questions .


  29. But U.S. research institutions recently have fielded the fastest hardware , led by a machine called Titan at Oak Ridge National Laboratory .


  30. Answers are fielded by a growing group of stakeholders & many of which aren 't paid or even affiliated with the original source code base .
