
  1. Beijing formalised this heightened level of Latin attention last November .


  2. It also formalised the appointments process , made it more professional and might have changed how people think .


  3. Some companies have formalised this kind of approach by creating " rolling forecasts " .


  4. Certainly basement planning laws will eventually be centralised and formalised .


  5. However , all knowledge in moral field are various understanding and insight which cannot be fully formalised in words .


  6. He did also mention that the Eucharist was much more formalised here .


  7. This idea , when formalised and extended somewhat , led to the definition of the ' recursive function ' .


  8. Scientist John Bell later formalised the concept by describing in detail a strong form of entanglement exhibiting the feature .


  9. Markowitz formalised these ideas and drew up the mathematical formulae to optimise diversification .


  10. Thus landscape gardening , the ancient art of emperors , became formalised , desiccated , sterile .


  11. But they had formalised their love , and had the paperwork .


  12. So more precisely , Gdel had shown that formalised arithmetic must either be inconsistent , or incomplete .


  13. The main body of argumentation can be formulated . First , structurism theory thinks anything can be formalised and formulated , especially languages .


  14. A person familiar with the Pru added that any discussions about an Asia listing were not formalised or advanced in any way .


  15. That is a formalised form of trust , based on institutions that dramatically expand our ability to interact with those beyond our immediate neighbours .


  16. But now the site has formalised restrictions on the kinds of entries that new users of the site should be allowed to change unaided .


  17. Farmers are not allowed to buy or sell land and , although in theory they can lease their property , many titles have never been formalised .


  18. Economists believe that the difference between countries that have successfully formalised trust and those that have not is , basically , the difference between rich countries and poor ones .


  19. First cricket , then golf , then football were codified and formalised ; all commoners ' games adopted by the elite .


  20. Gifting has long been a way of showcasing goods but , more recently , these gestures of goodwill have become more formalised arrangements .


  21. Formalised social contracts provide a structure to help reduce the fear , uncertainty and doubt associated with organisational change , and can enable an Agile transition to go more smoothly .


  22. Tea masters ( Chajin ) dutifully served powerful military leaders , establishing it as a formalised art form that eventually extended to the affluent merchant classes .


  23. The theory of games had been studied mathematically since the 1920s , and this principle , second nature to chessplayers , had been abstracted and formalised in the manner of modern mathematics .


  24. It was sometimes called ' Boolean Algebra ' after George Boole , who had formalised what he optimistically called ' the laws of thought ' in 1854 .


  25. Despite indications that custody existing licenses will be grandfathered to banks that locally incorporate , the Working Group is not aware if this rule has been formalised through regulation .


  26. HTTP / 1.0 wasn 't formalised until five years later , in May1996 , as RFC1945 , although the basics of HTTP were already in place back in1991 .


  27. Shannon had been thinking about mechanising chess-playing , since about 1945 , by a minimax strategy requiring the ' backing up ' of search trees - the same basic idea as Alan and Jack Good had formalised in 1941 .
