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  1. Scott Forstall took home a chunk of change Friday .


  2. Now , Apple is running away from the Forstall and Jobs style that defined iOS .


  3. Forstall was one of the original architects of OS X , the operating system that saved the company earlier this decade .


  4. It 's also weird that just a year ago Apple was pushing further into this style under Scott Forstall .


  5. Forstall was known to be a polarizing figure at Apple , meaning that his loyal team now reports to someone else .


  6. Forstall told her that he identified a number of superstars within various departments at Apple and asked them in for a chat .


  7. Mr Forstall had no experience in telecoms before working on the project and had never sent a text message before doing so on an iPhone .


  8. And at the iPhone 4S announcement earlier this week , cook gave ample time to Schiller , Forstall and cue .


  9. A lawyer for Apple argued that Mr. Forstall was given a notice when the patent he was listed on as a creator became part of the case . '


  10. " So let 's get on with what we have to talk about today . I 've asked two of my colleagues do the heavy lifting * " Schiller , and Forstall .


  11. Not only was I tasked by Scott Forstall with building a browser and building a team to build that browser , I had to keep the whole damn project a secret .


  12. Three weeks after his Siri app was approved for sale on the app store , DAG kittlaus was told to expect a call from Apple senior vice president Scott Forstall .


  13. In explaining her thinking , Judge Koh questioned why certain Apple executives , such as Senior Vice President Scott Forstall , didn 't receive notices to retain documents until later than other executives .


  14. Before the iPhone was a phone , it was a tablet and the touchscreen technology that would later find its way into the iPad began as a secret research project commissioned by Jobs , Mr Forstall recalled .


  15. Microsoft were " idiots , " Mr Forstall recalled Jobs saying . " You don 't use a stylus ? . ? . ? . ? You are born with 10 styluses . "


  16. While Mr Forstall admitted that pricing " was a challenge " - the upfront cost of the device had to be cut by $ 200 just a few months after it went on sale - he never had any doubt it would be " huge . "


  17. BMW , General Motors , Mercedes , Land Rover , Jaguar , Audi , Toyota , Chrysler , and Honda were the car manufacturers that Scott Forstall , who leads Apple 's iOS development , said would implement it . It 's likely to hit the first production models in the next 12 months .
