The leaves of the purple foxglove plant contain the drug digitalis . a small amount of digitalis causes the heart to eat more strongly . Digitalis glycosides are potent inhibitors of a fundamental and vital ion transport process , common to most cells .
Which valuable drug is produced by the foxglove ?
The common or purple foxglove produces pretty flowers along a tall stem called a spike .
And foxglove is a deadly plant that also doubles as a cardiac medication .
Foxglove can cause heart failure .
Foxgloves , too & people will pull up the foxgloves , and ladies of an educational tendency even grub for toadstools to show them on the Monday in class .
Go and take a look at any Chinese pharmacy , and you will see cabinets with numerous drawers , each bearing the name of a drug & toncal , foxglove , rhubarb , saltpetre , indeed , everything that should be there .