free to play

美 [friː tu pleɪ]英 [friː tu pleɪ]
  • 网络自由发挥;预告片;纪录片;预告
free to playfree to play
  1. Are free to play want to express the music .


  2. And the more hours he is free to play , the better .


  3. and feel free to play with any of these controls up here .


  4. To allow children to be completely free to play as much as they like .


  5. Plus , with no ability to get anything to stick , you can feel free to play .


  6. And being free to play , rather than simply free , seems to bring with it profit .


  7. Well , we 'd be free to play Frisbee and give each other massages .


  8. Feel free to play around with the X and Y axes to try to identify other trends and patterns .


  9. However , this date is subject to change if both clubs became free to play on a preceding FA Cup weekend .


  10. At the time of writing the speech , when we must focus on the theme have been identified to write , can not be free to play any subject .


  11. So that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring , and the more hours he is free to play , the better .


  12. In well-formed-only XML documents , you are free to play with order ; after all , in this case any tag can go inside any other tag , at any depth .


  13. Much of their success came from pioneeringthe freemium business model - which is now being successfully utilised in mobile gaming - featuringgames that are free to play but charge for virtual items that give playersadvantages .


  14. Like the most successful mobile games , while " Pok é mon Go " is free to play , it gives players opportunities to buy virtual items for a few dollars to speed up their progress .


  15. That 's the idea behind the addictive mobile games developed by Kabam , which has harnessed the " free to play " model of offering free games but while layering on extra content for a fee .


  16. But with lawyers arguing over the legality of the buy-out , Chelsea believe they would be able to prove he had been induced to break his contract , bringing about a ban of up to six months before he would be free to play again .


  17. To the laborer , on the other hand , leisure means freedom from compulsion , so that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring , and the more hours he is free to play , the better .


  18. Children enjoy this free time to play .


  19. I am also free time to play , try I 'm feeling hey !


  20. Look on the bright side , you may have no job , but now you have free time to play video games all day .


  21. Why is free and free to play so different ?


  22. They also have the natural , open , free time available to play and explore in an unstructured but productive way .


  23. He got a free ticket to the play by masquerading as a friend of the actors .


  24. Feel free to come watch us play !


  25. In addition , project teaching creates a free environment for students to play their potential greatly .


  26. More peculiar is the discovery of the difference between saying something is " free " and saying it 's " free to play " .


  27. In fact , in the development of realistic , development of the market is not completely free , part of government intervention will affect the free hands to play , thus the so-called equilibrium theory of income distribution is an ideal state .


  28. The results show that people need to speed up the rate of free , at the same time to enhance the business environment to transform the city park free of charge to play better pull effect on the economy .
