- 网络亚太自由贸易区;亚太自由贸易协定;亚太自由贸易圈
An FTAAP would aim to eliminate trade barriers only for the APEC members while maintaining discriminatory , higher barriers against non-members .
The leverage of an FTAAP in 2006-07 would be much greater than that of the APEC declaration in 1993 .
In promoting the FTAAP , China hopes APEC can guide and coordinate regional economic integration . China also hopes APEC can chart a roadmap for the FTAAP .
The Political Economy of an Asia Pacific Free Trade Area ( FTAAP ): A Chinese Perspective
In this regard , APEC is expected to make an important and meaningful contribution as an incubator of the FTAAP .
By providing leadership and intellectual input into the development process of regional economic integration , APEC could play a strong role in driving the FTAAP vision forward .
APEC should maintain its non-binding , voluntary cooperation principles in its contributions to the realization of the FTAAP .
In 2006 , APEC economies agreed to examine the long-term prospect of a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific ( FTAAP ) .
This will support cooperation on the realization of the FTAAP , and encourage economies to organize supporting policy dialogues and other information sharing activities under this mechanism .
The US and China would be the natural leaders of an FTAAP process and could simultaneously improve the prospects for resolving their bilateral trade tensions through such a regional framework .
Second , that Apec should instead launch a Free Trade Agreement of Asia and the Pacific ( FTAAP ), converting Apec into a regional free trade area .
They argue the FTAAP , were it somehow to surmount these difficulties magically , could invigorate the " virtually dead " Doha negotiations .
APEC will continue to support and foster cooperation in these areas to ensure that member economies can effectively benefit from such initiatives in its continuing contribution to realizing the FTAAP .
APEC will encourage more unilateral trade and investment liberalization and reform , continue to play a role as incubator of the FTAAP and provide leadership and intellectual input to its realization .
Promoting regional economic integration is a major topic of the APEC Beijing meeting . The meeting is expected to make new progress in starting building the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific ( FTAAP ) .
The two countries have worked with other parties at the G20 and APEC to promote better global economic governance and launched the process of a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific ( FTAAP ) .
At the same time , the launching of a feasibility study on a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific ( FTAAP ) may be considered to maximize the benefits of trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific .
We agree to launch a collective strategic study on issues related to the realization of the FTAAP , and instruct officials to undertake the study , consult stakeholders and report the result by the end of 2016 .
Attaining the Bogor Goals by 2020 will continue to be APEC 's core objective , and progress towards the Bogor Goals will substantially advance and help determine APEC 's contribution to the eventual realization of the FTAAP .
Recognizing APEC has a critical role to play in shaping and nurturing regional economic integration , we agree that APEC should make more important and meaningful contributions as an incubator to translate the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific ( FTAAP ) from a vision to reality .