- v.卷起,收拢(帆、旗或伞)
- furl的过去分词和过去式

He started up the shore with the mast furled sail of his boat .
Mr Fogg , in order not to deviate from his course , furled his sails and increased the force of the steam ;
An attempt was made to furl the headsail .
He was supposed to furl the side flaps in the morning .
I like mother like trouser , furl sleeves rolled up water .
The top of the outer pipe is furled through a movable rotating shaft .
The ship continued to forge ahead after the sails were furled .
The compound ferrous removes colloid particles in water by charge oxidation-reduction , neutralization and furl mechanism .
Please make an experiment-take two similar pices of material and furl on the yard .
Oh ! it was going to be fearful weather , therefore the sailors furled the sails .
Not tight ; not closely constrained or constricted or constricting . [ I ] become furled
Mom say while furl trouser .
The sail was patched with flour sacks and , furled , it looked like the flag of permanent defeat .
Furl allows you to easily save , take notes on and share the links you 've stored , or browse others'most popular bookmarks to find new and interesting things .
Furled sails bound securely to the spar ; a furled flag ; his rolled umbrella hanging on his arm .
Adopts air swelling shaft to furl roll ( or to use pneumatic style to furl roll ), the tension of furling roll can be adjusted .
He was supposed to furl the side flaps in the morning . A door shuts with a bang and curtains billow into the room .
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furl 'd. But now I only hear Its melancholy , long , withdrawing roar , Retreating , to the breath
Ten minutes afterwards , the sails were furled , and they cast anchor about a hundred fathoms from the little harbor . We went with Peter , whose car broke down before we were halfway there .
What a clambering aloft of men , vying with each other who shall lie out first upon the yards to furl the icy sails , while the ship rolls and pitches , like mad !
The implement of controlling the speed of multi-roller , temperature of dryness tower , rectify a deviation of furl using PLC on product line of preliminary-immerged cloth are introduced in this paper . The speed of motor can be adjusted by adopting transducer .
It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines or the gaff and harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast .
A cord or canvas strap used to secure a furled sail to a yard boom or gaff . The tempest rose higher and higher , and presently the sail tore loose from its fastenings and went winging away on the blast .