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美 [ˈɡæfər]英 [ˈɡæfə(r)]
  • n.(工厂的)工头,领班;(运动队等的)领队,负责人;(拍电影或电视节目的)照明电工

复数: gaffers




a person who is in charge of a group of people, for example, workers in a factory, a sports team, etc.


the person who is in charge of the electrical work and the lights when a film/movie or television programme is being made



  • 1
    N-COUNT 工头;领班
    People use gaffer to refer to the person in charge of the workers at a place of work such as a factory.

    The gaffer said he'd been fined for not doing the contract on time.



a person who exercises control over workers
if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman
Synonym: foreman chief honcho boss
an electrician responsible for lighting on a movie or tv set
an elderly man
Synonym: old-timer oldtimer old geezer antique


  1. The gaffer said he 'd been fined for not doing the contract on time .


  2. I just can 't see the gaffer leaving in the near future .


  3. I thought it might be some gaffer sent by Government . '


  4. " I always watched the little things the Gaffer did ," he says .


  5. Your gaffer , does he want anything special ?


  6. That gaffer going into the pub is90 years old .


  7. " The gaffer has built a great squad with youth and experience in abundance ," said Danny .


  8. My time at Old Trafford had been great so far and I 'm ready for when the gaffer gives me my chance .


  9. Personally I 'm delighted as I 've been waiting for my chance to show the Gaffer that I am good enough .


  10. I spoke to the gaffer and he said'go and enjoy it , it will be a good experience for you ' .


  11. The gaffer believes his No.20 is approaching top form and is reluctant to let him go during the crucial festive period .


  12. Bilbo , have you been at the gaffer 's home brew ?


  13. The gaffer knows the people up here and he said that it was important that we came , performed well and show what Manchester United can be about .


  14. " The key in this game is to remain calm , keep a cool head ," the gaffer told his pre-match press conference .


  15. The Holland international has been the subject of transfer speculation this summer but his focus has always remained on proving his worth to the new gaffer .


  16. Anyway , I was standing at the bar and this old gaffer comes up to me and asks me to buy him a drink .


  17. In the movie world , where there is glitz and glamour , Walton is a gaffer .


  18. The Gaffer has been absolutely unbelievable .


  19. " It could be an opportunity for him ," said the gaffer . " We will analyse him in training today and maybe he will have a chance . "


  20. The German psychologist Wolfgang Kruger said the " gaffer " phenomenon was nothing new , but had been given a new lease of life thanks to smartphones .


  21. Key grip , gaffer and best boy are all jobs on a movie set , that 's your answer and that 's your " Shoutout . "


  22. Lady Gaga , whose outfits have ranged from a raw meat dress to one of black gaffer tape , was in second place last year and topped the list in 2010 .


  23. The warm-up device can reduce the temperature difference between the cloth and the molten film , so it improve the intensity of antis tripping , reduce the gaffer of the film .


  24. So , were there more harsh words from the gaffer at half-time , as reportedly happened during the FA Cup win over Havant nine days ago ?


  25. The conversations I 've had with the gaffer in the last couple of weeks , he says he thinks it 's the right step for me in a management career and that was the go ahead for me .


  26. Kuyt was the two-goal hero as Liverpool beat top-four rivals Tottenham last week and was the subject of several questions as the gaffer gave his pre-Wolves press conference on Monday .


  27. I work a five-day week : we have three training sessions every day , and we get Sundays and Wednesdays off - and sometimes , if the gaffer 's not happy , we 're in seven days a week .


  28. I think the gaffer really likes him , he 's very talented and he 'll obviously be delighted to have come on , even if it was for just a couple of minutes and he didn 't touch the ball .


  29. The gaffer instigated big changes down in Kirkby last summer , with the likes of Frank McParland , Kenny Dalglish , Pep Segura and Rodolfo Borrell being drafted in .


  30. Police said the case served to highlight the problem of " gawpers , " or " gaffers " as they are known in Germany , who slow down or stop their vehicles to film accidents on their phones , often publishing pictures or videos of them on social media .
