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  • 网络嘉仕达;美国嘉仕达;神罗的卡斯特;嘉士达;恐吓
  1. Preliminary study on ion sulfo - carbonitriding for grey Gast iron


  2. Plasma Surface Alloying on Gast Iron


  3. In 1994 , China singed the GAST .


  4. The animals characterized by gast include 5 horses , 5 mules and 2 donkeys , five to eighteen years of age .


  5. Conclusion : The NO , GSH and oxidative stress have a different adaptive response to the longterm endurance exercise between in the cardiac muscle and in the GAST .


  6. Of 5 ca with aspiration pneumonia were confirmed to have inhaled meconium , other 3 cases were probably correlated to gast esophageal reflux ( GER ) .


  7. Fernando Gast , Cenicaf é 's director , says seeds of the Castillo coffee plants have been sent to Mexico , El Salvador and Costa Rica for evaluation .


  8. Porte were waiting with bated breath for La Mar to open , which it did in April 2015 , thanks to the reputation of its celebrity chef Gast ó n Acurio .


  9. When Gast ó n Acurio , the Peruvian chef who has been leading his country 's culinary boom , was invited to open the academic year at Lima 's top university in 2006 , many academics grumbled .


  10. During maturation process of macerals , on the one hand they generate oil and gast on the other hand , their optical properties will be changed , whose alteration extent will depend on the primary abundance of hydrogen contained in macerals .


  11. As the night gets started and the kitchen busy in Astrid and Gast ó n , Mr Acurio 's flagship restaurant in Lima , Elba Velarde , one of Pachac ú tec 's leading former students , says she is determined to be one of the world 's best chefs .


  12. Seventeen years after the fall of the Berlin wall , a reunified Germany will throw open its doors to the world . Germany 2006 will be a place where people from all around the world will be welcomed by friends , in the spirit of the string slogan chosen by the organizers : Die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden .
