English Genitive Case and Its Semantic Analysis
The Analysis on Types of Mongolian Genitive Phrase
This paper aims at the quantitative study of the genitive used in nautical English .
This paper tends to provide some objective and scientific data for future study on the genitive in novel language .
( grammar ) a word in the genitive case used as an attributive adjective .
The Languages belong to the Mongolian languages family have different affix forms for both genitive and objective cases .
Double genitive and possessive partitive constructions have long been debated over in literature .
The Theoretical Foundations and Development of Chomsky s Genitive Theory & On Philosophical Foundations and Defects of Chomsky Linguistics ;
Both the adjective and the noun are in the genitive .
The genitive noun is used attributively .
It seemed absurd to waste time analyzing , every word I came across - noun , genitive , singular , feminine - when its meaning was quite plain .
The thesis probes , sums up and classifies the form of English genitive case and its semantic analysis on logical relation , which is intended to disclose the rich semantic connotations in this seemingly simple language phenomenon .
When ONI is genitive , the probability for the Xijiang River discharge and precipitation in the middle and lower streams in post-dry season is higher than in pre-dry season .
Derived from paratactic cohesion , subject omission , including the omission of subjective noun and subjective personal pronoun ( both nominative and genitive ), ranks as one of the most popular syntactic features of ancient Chinese poetry .
one used by the Arabs.The difference in form between the Middle English wordabacus and its Greek source abax is explained by the fact that Middle English actually borrowed Latin abacus , which came from the Greek genitive form ( abakos ) of abax .
The feature marks of Romanian include variations of genitive and dative cases of nouns and pronouns , agreement in gender , number and case between adjective and head , attachment of prepositional phrase with the preposition " de ", and additional remarks led by word like " care " .