give a choice

美 [ɡɪv ə tʃɔɪs]英 [ɡɪv ə tʃɔɪs]
  • 给出选择
give a choicegive a choice
  1. By default , the export operation includes cascade steps and processes , however it does give a choice to not include cascade steps and processes when exporting to tag file .


  2. Well then , I will give you a choice .


  3. Remember to give them a choice only when there really is one .


  4. We want to give them a choice .


  5. And we decided we 're gonna give you a choice .


  6. Then I 'll give you a choice --


  7. You didn 't give him a choice .


  8. They didn 't exactly give you a choice .


  9. Don 't be afraid . I 'm going to give you a choice I never had .


  10. The installation process for your distribution will probably give you a choice of which boot loader to set up .


  11. At the end of the2008 , I want to give myself a choice to look back on the year I experienced .


  12. Critics also see a bigger problem with Google 's new policy . The plan would not give users a choice to " opt-out " of the data sharing .


  13. The problem was Klaus didn 't give her a choice and threatened Tyler 's life , forcing her to put him back in his body .


  14. This is why the SCM system should notify you when other people have changed something that will affect your work and give you a choice about what action to take in response .


  15. President Bush says a separate state would give Palestinians a choice between more violence under Hamas and a more stable future under Fatah , which controls the West Bank .


  16. Now , since you 've got me in a good mood , I 'll be generous and give you a choice of three places in which you 'll be locked up forever .


  17. Before we discuss single-ended systems , it is worth noting that SCXI systems always use the popular differential measurement system , while most plug-in DAQ devices give you a choice .


  18. Dens Wavelength Division Multiplexing ( DWDM ) and Optical Access Networks ( OAN ) are well known as two of the most promising techniques for future communication . DWDM OAN will be able to give a new choice for the development of the Access Networks .


  19. Pay attention , parents : Always give your kid a choice that makes them think they are in control .


  20. Give a customer a choice , and they 'll often opt to consume only the experience they value .


  21. Drug companies have been working on a male pill or injection to inhibit sperm production and give couples a greater choice of family planning methods .


  22. At the very least his presence in the electoral race would give voters a greater choice and bring much-needed quality to Italian politics .


  23. We must give Iran a clear choice : come in line with its international obligations and rejoin the community of nations , or face growing consequences .


  24. For example , consider a bank that decides to give away a gift choice , such as a toaster , to everyone that opens a new account during a certain time period .


  25. She suggests waiting for a calm moment and stating the rule the child violated . Then give the child a choice about how to prevent the misbehavior from happening again .


  26. Let 's give every American a choice : two tax brackets , generous dividends , and , two -- and let Americans choose whether they want the -- the existing tax code or they want a new tax code .


  27. But what I 'd do differently is to give my kid a choice : do you want to eat in one of these restaurants , or get supermarket food and then have something better when we 're back home ?


  28. I gave this information back to the public , to public hands , and the reason I did that was not to gain a label but to give you back a choice about the country you want to live in , he said .


  29. She didn 't really give me much of a choice , okay ?


  30. What ? You 're following me now ? You didn 't really give me much of a choice .
