
  • n.冰川学
  1. Twenty five years of Glaciology in china : Retrospect and Prospect


  2. Retrospect and Prospect on the Study of Antarctic Glaciology in China in the Last 10 years


  3. Bearded Russian priests offer regular services at the Orthodox church for the 16 or so Russian speakers who spend the winter at the base , largely polar scientists in fields like glaciology and meteorology .


  4. System of p-Laplacian equations has application in the study of non-Newtonian fluid , nonlinear elasticity and glaciology .


  5. Some Advance in the Research WorK of the Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Cryopedology


  6. Some achievements of the Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Cryopedology ( 1978-1980 )


  7. Furthmore , there is a link-list of related sites on glaciology .


  8. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology Vol.27 2005 CONTENTS


  9. The results of this study would undoubtedly be useful for applying the stable isotopes as a temperature indicator in some research fields such as glaciology , hydrology and palaeoclimatology in the monsoon-affected areas of China .


  10. The sheer complexity of climate science , from atmospheric physics to polar glaciology , makes it harder to convey than some other science-based issues such as space policy , stem cells or HIV / AIDS .


  11. Besides now modern geodesy becomes an interdisciplinary geodetic science , and it can provide and process the information necessary for other geosciences , such as geodynamics , planetology , atmospheric sciences , oceanography , tectonic movement and glaciology and so on .


  12. Based on the discoveries in Penghu submarine trench of Taiwan province , Dongshan sea area of Fujian province , and the information about Marine Geology , glaciology and Quaternary Palynology , this paper explores the ancient climate and ancient ecological environment of Zhoushan area in the last ice age .
