guilty plea
- 认罪;认错

The judge questioned him about his guilty plea
Mr Madoff 's guilty plea is especially anticlimactic because he has apparently refused to co-operate with investigators , leaving many a loose thread .
His June guilty plea was part of a deal to avoid execution .
Chapter One is about the comparative study of the processing of cases with guilty plea of the defendants .
There are two kinds of procedure for guilty plea cases : summary procedure and simplified trial of common procedure .
My client wishes to withdraw his not guilty plea .
He has said he turned down an offer for a short sentence in exchange for a guilty plea .
Guilty plea of the defendants is of great significance to which kind of process should be used to deal with the cases .
Guilty plea of the defendants means the defendants admit the basic criminal facts or main criminal facts charged .
He remained calm in court as he addressed the judge before his guilty plea was accepted .
It mainly introduces and analyzes the processing of cases with guilty plea of the defendants between the common law system and the civil law system .
The speedy procedures includes : penalization procedure based on unconditional guilty plea and plea bargaining .
The Oscar winner entered his not guilty plea in paperwork ahead of the hearing .
Now , I 'm thinking we should , uh , withdraw our not guilty plea .
And at last , this thesis states the concrete process of how to found the pretrial proceeding for guilty plea in our country .
Guilty Plea and Sentence Discount
This chapter is divided into four sections : First , the evolvement of the processing of cases with guilty plea of the defendants .
By comparing the processing of cases with guilty plea between the common law system and the civil law system , we may get some successful experience used for reference .
The processing of cases with guilty plea are the different processes that the judicial organs take to deal with the cases of guilty plea .
Simultaneously , how to guarantee the justice of the processing of cases with guilty plea is also the issue to which every country should attach importance .
In the civil law system , many countries design diversified processing of cases with guilty plea of the defendants . Italy has set up 5 kinds of processing .
It has been the common practice for every country to dispose cases with guilty plea using informal trial procedure , which is an important measure to improve efficiency .
He agreed to two monthsin a rehab facility in exchangefor a guilty plea .
By reviewing and surveying the processing of cases with guilty plea of the defendants in China , the author has analyzed its virtues and its problems .
Transocean is expected to enter its guilty plea next month when a federal judge holds a hearing on whether to accept the settlement .
The second chapter compare and contrast the current judicial system , the guilty plea proceedings and the insufficient-evidence non-prosecution with plea bargain .
Guilty plea of the defendants and the speedy procedures based on the plea has disposed a lot of criminal cases and improved the efficiency explicitly .
The second section is about the empirical study of processing of cases with guilty plea conducted by the judicial organs of B district in city A of Pearl River Delta .
Then illustrates three principles of this process : voluntary guilty plea , encouraging the defendant plea guilty and the court has the ultimate right of confirmation .
The man 's public defender nonetheless entered a not guilty plea during the arraignment , at which Walter fidgeted and cried .