- n.光晕;晕影;晕光(作用);成晕现象

Changes and significance of phospholipid composition contents of pulmonary surfactant after smoke in - halation injury in rats
He later returned to China to set up Halation Photonics Corp. , a display-technology company .
Objective To investigate the changes of NO and ET 1 level in dogs with halation injuries after treatment with partial liquid ventilation ( PLV ) .
A clear filling defect was found in intra-bladder of 15 cases . Halation sign was showed in 16 cases and snake head sign in 12 cases .
Image enhancing , image graying , halation removing , Canny edge detection , mathematical morphology dilation , edge smoothing , mathematical morphological reconstruction are implemented according to the set sequence .
Halation is largely removed in modern films by an antihalation backing which absorbs the light before it can return to re-expose the emulsion .
Halation : this is the result of light passing through the light sensitive emulsion , then through the film base , and finally being reflected back from the other side of the film and re-exposing the emulsion , but in a different place from the original one .
Soft dot : Half-tone dot with soft halation or fringe around it , as oppsed to a hard dot which is very sharp and without fringe . The mist has defined edges in several areas , which eliminates the possibility of a lens flare or light refraction .