- n.半月;出现半月的时候;半月形的东西

I mean , is it still crescent or a half-moon ?
This is an early Colt that cannot be fired without the half-moon clips .
And the yellow half-moon large and low ;
A half-moon rose . Will was grateful for the light .
It looks very nice when she wears the half-moon hairpin in her hair .
A half-moon caused the rippling sea to glitter .
Signs of stress include the dog folding its ears down , half-moon eyes or turning its head away to avoid eye contact .
Inappreciable fluctuations in temperature . A half-moon caused the rippling sea to glitter .
The mass draws his left eye into a slit , warps his mouth into a small inverted half-moon .
It features a painting by Georgia O'Keeffe which depicts a ladder floating against the night sky , with a half-moon high above it .
He was looking at her closely through his half-moon spectacles , his long fingers gently prodding and poking .
The ice cream had been cut into a half-moon slab that was dense to the touch and so cold my fingers went numb .
Half-moon spectacles were perched on his crooked nose , and he was wearing a long black traveling cloak and a pointed hat .
On either side of his mouth there was a half-moon down the length of his cheek , not wrinkles , but two lines that had come there from his habitual expression .
In the following decade , color begins to be introduced , and not only that , but the 1936 manicure even includes a half-moon shape carefully formed using a brush and red polish .
His blue eyes were light , bright , and sparkling behind half-moon spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked , as though it had been broken at least twice .
The apoptosis was characterized by chromatin concentration and margination , in half-moon , loop , and irregular shapes , and apoptotic body formation , and DNA ladder formation by gel electrophoresis .
The half-moon was just peepingover the horizon .
The chilled cast iron roller , covered densely with the half-moon grooves on its hardened surface for hot-rolling the mild steel checkered plate , is a typical hard-to-machining workpiece .
Using a rubber spatula , carefully loosen eggs from the edges of the skillet , and then fold the right half of the omelet over filling , forming a half-moon shape .
As a half-moon crept up the sky , they staked their horses out in the village commons and supped on salted mutton , dried apples , and hard cheese .
Harry 's eyes wandered past him to where Professor Dumbledore , the headmaster , sat watching the Sorting from the staff table , his long silver beard and half-moon glasses shining brightly in the candlelight .
After the EPA and DHA ( 80 μ g / ml ) treatment intervention for 48h , Density of nuclear staining increased that its shape was half-moon and to unite around the nuclear membrane and nucleolus cracking . 4 .