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  1. When in tokyo , be sure to check out Harajuku during the day .


  2. The Tsukiji Fish Market and Harajuku are popular tourist destinations that are worth the hype .


  3. A girl with Japanese kanji characters written on her face hangs out in Tokyo 's Harajuku district .


  4. A make up tutorial by zWinnieYap , a step-by-step guide for applying Harajuku soft blush eye make up , has been viewed more than 100000 times .


  5. With leather gloves adorning her hands , Avril leads a pack of harajuku girls in a choreographed dance routine .


  6. The company also plans to open more global flagship stores in major Tokyo neighborhoods such as Shibuya , Harajuku , Ueno , Ikebukuro and other major commercial districts throughout Japan .


  7. On a visit this week to a store run by Johnny & Associates in the Harajuku neighborhood of Tokyo , I watched fans buy professional photo cards of their favorite singers , but there were no SMAP cards on sale .


  8. It 's still outweighed by the positivity of the throngs of people eagerly posing with him as he skips from Shibuya to Harajuku , and by the kids he 's able to reach with his message of tolerance , and how liberating being a non-conformist can be .
