hardly noticeable

美 [ˈhɑːrdli ˈnoʊtɪsəbl]英 [ˈhɑːdli ˈnəʊtɪsəbl]
  • 很难注意到
hardly noticeablehardly noticeable
  1. People easily adapt themselves to city life . Noise , traffic , those undesirable things are hardly noticeable .


  2. The damage to my car is hardly noticeable .


  3. Police told Beijing Morning Post reporters that one of the bars of the railing was slightly bent , but that it was hardly noticeable .


  4. Experiment results show that images reconstructed by 10 % big coefficients could meet the base visual demands and when use 50 % big coefficients the visual distortion is hardly noticeable .


  5. A country hardly noticeable on the map has become the focus of the world since 1970s and 1980s ; a regional issue has become a significant topic in international relations .


  6. The light was so bright , and there were so many stars sparkling in the snow , that the sky did not attract the eye , and the real stars were hardly noticeable .


  7. A spokeswoman for Volkswagen in China said Thursday the company would look into the incident . Police told Beijing Morning Post reporters that one of the bars of the railing was slightly bent , but that it was hardly noticeable .


  8. Purposes : Fatigue fracture is a common phenomenon in recruits , dancers and athlete training , but since it has concealed and hardly noticeable characteristic , If do not pay attention to and have a rest , continue to exercise will likely further develop into completeness fractures .
