harlem shake

美 [ˈhɑrləm ʃeɪk]英 [ˈhɑːləm ʃeɪk]
  • 网络哈林摇;卡通版
harlem shakeharlem shake
  1. Searching Harlem Shake on YouTube now brings 330,000 results .


  2. A lot . Searching " Harlem Shake " on YouTube now brings 330000 results .


  3. The Harlem Shake has arrived in China .


  4. But this is not the true Harlem Shake , say many in Harlem .


  5. The " Harlem Shake " YouTube dance video has sent the " Gangnam Style " flying .


  6. Searches reveal more than a dozen Chinese Harlem Shake videos so far , including this one filmed in a pharmacy .


  7. A number of critics have suggested the Harlem Shake meme might already be dead in the U.S. , though China could very well inject some new life into it .


  8. About a dozen divers swam the Harlem shake , performing their version of the dance on the ocean floor outside Cancun .


  9. The formulaic simplicity of producing a Harlem Shake video has obvious appeal in a country that , by its own admission , struggles with creativity .


  10. Technically , the Harlem Shake was a dance move from the 80s . It began in New Yorks Harlem , and was popular in music videos .


  11. THE 30-second clip begins with one figure , usually helmeted or masked , dancing to a catchy mix by Baauer called " Harlem Shake . "


  12. As of Feb. 11 , there have been over 12000 " Harlem Shake " videos , and they 've been watched more than 44 million times .


  13. The New Harlem Shake videos are being searched by the thousands by the minute , making it one of the biggest trending topics on Twitter on Thursday , Feb. 14 .


  14. The Harlem Shake - or Halin Yao , as it 's known in Mandarin - is based on an electronic dance track of the same name by Brooklyn-based producer Baauer .


  15. The surrounding people appear oblivious to the movement . Fifteen seconds in , the beat drops , a voice says " Do the Harlem Shake , " and everyone starts gyrating manically .


  16. Firemen , athletes ( including Manchester City footballers ) , porn stars , Sports Illustrated models , newscasters , students , office workers and the Simpsons have all uploaded their own versions of the Harlem Shake . Some have got into trouble for their silliness .


  17. Cultural critics have attributed the success of the meme , which has nothing to do with the original Harlem Shake ( a dance born New York in the 1980s and popularized in the early 2000s ) , to its being short , catchy , and easy to produce and customize .
