hd dvd

美 [ˌeɪtʃ ˈdiː ˌdiː viː ˈdiː]英 [ˌeɪtʃ ˈdiː ˌdiː viː ˈdiː]
  • 网络高清DVD;新年快乐
hd dvdhd dvd
  1. But many people think Blu-ray has won the competition with HD DVD .


  2. The data format and channel encoding of HD DVD


  3. The HD DVD drive will not be released in black .


  4. Blu-ray and HD DVD are both designed for use with high definition televisions .


  5. Blu-ray and HD DVD are similar in technology .


  6. HD DVD and Blu-ray & Different Inline Testing Strategies for Both High-Density Formats


  7. Both Blu-ray and HD DVD encode data on high-density disks using a violet-blue laser .


  8. Two major Hollywood studios , Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures , have agreed to release movie only in HD DVD .


  9. This week , Toshiba announced that it would cut the price of its HD DVD players by forty to fifty percent .


  10. Then earlier this month , Hollywood 's biggest seller of DVDs announced its choice in the fight between Blu-ray and HD DVD .


  11. One notable exception to this rule occurred in2007 when Digg pulled an article submission which contained the encryption key for certain HD DVD and Blu-ray discs .


  12. Toshiba had developed the HD DVD format , partnering with NEC and a number of Hollywood studios , which agreed to use the format for their high definition releases .


  13. After major retailers such as Wal-Mart and Best Buy made the switch to Blu-ray , Toshiba gave up the fight last month and said it would no longer make or market HD DVD equipment .


  14. While some companies have begun to include Blu-ray Disc or HD DVD drives as options in their computers , Apple has stayed on the sidelines , preferring the ubiquitous DVD format .


  15. Leaders of the rival HD DVD camp led by Toshiba and Microsoft over the weekend called off a number of promotional events that had been planned as the consumer electronics show gets under way in Las Vegas .


  16. Last year , Erick Hansen of Blu-ray Technologies set up an independent plant in Spokane , Washington , to manufacture disks in two high definition formats , Blu-ray and HD DVD . Each had its backers .


  17. The Toshiba move signals that the Japanese electronics giant , which counts Microsoft , the US software company , among backers of the HD DVD technology , is not yet willing to abandon the format battle in spite of what industry executives believe are mounting losses .
