
美 [ˌhedəˈnɪstɪk]英 [ˌhedəˈnɪstɪk]
  • adj.享乐主义的



  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 享乐主义的
    Hedonistic means relating to hedonism.

    ...the hedonistic pleasures of the South...



devoted to pleasure
a hedonic thrill
lives of unending hedonistic delight
epicurean pleasures
Synonym: hedonic epicurean


  1. He has always preferred the quiet life , he tells me . It is the media who have played up his hedonistic image .


  2. The cookery course was serious and hedonistic at the same time .


  3. A trustafarian knows he or she will never actually run out of money , so adopting a more hedonistic or Bohemian lifestyle for a short period of time would be relatively8 risk-free .


  4. But if women could be entirely self-indulgent and hedonistic , their day would be rather different .


  5. Do something hedonistic : think afternoon at a spa or going out dancing .


  6. It is , perhaps , significant that the first usage of persistent vegetative state was in the hedonistic '70s .


  7. As new performers take the stage , the tone changes from subtle flirtations to that of hedonistic pleasure .


  8. As very young children , we were all pretty much purely hedonistic -- focused on getting what we wanted when we wanted it .


  9. It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined .


  10. But the survey revealed a strong hedonistic streak & 13 percent would sit back , accept the inevitable and reach for a glass of champagne .


  11. But the survey revealed a strong hedonistic streak -- 13 percent would sit back , accept the inevitable and reach for a glass of champagne .


  12. Hedonistic world view refers to the healthy and natural happiness free from physical pain and mental disturbance and with human beings living harmoniously interdependent with the nature .


  13. Although the original American dream is good in nature , it is illusive to realize the dream which has been corrupted in the hedonistic age .


  14. A hedonic thrill ; lives of unending hedonistic delight ; epicurean pleasures .


  15. Lives of unending hedonistic delight .


  16. It is'moral'meaning'good'as distinct from hedonistic and hateful .


  17. Much has been written about the heady , hedonistic Paris fashion scene of the 1970s and ' 80s , and much of it is true .


  18. His rebellion and secularity prompts him to transfer from analytic aesthetics to pragmatism , as well as determines his emphasis on the hedonistic on aesthetic experiences .


  19. On this basis , the impact models from utilitarian tendency , hedonistic tendency , catering food , dining environment and service to experiential value was constructed , with customer experience as the intermediary variable .


  20. The two become lovers . Their hedonistic affair is full of Chablis and long discussions about famous writers and publishers of the time ( Martin Amis , Tom Maschler ) .


  21. Happy as an inherent property of the people , is also an integral part of the people , the Greek period philosopher Epicurus their writings and put forward their own hedonistic philosophy and hedonistic ethics .


  22. But if women could be entirely self-indulgent and hedonistic , their day would be rather different . Then they would spend 619 minutes a day with their partner , 103 minutes socialising and 74 minutes relaxing .


  23. Like many other generations in every nation , the youth of China will discover the folly of hedonistic consumerism in a few decades , when it 's too late to change their careless , self-indulgent ways .


  24. Let 's remember that that 's the problem here : there is a divide in this beautiful world of ours , with hedonistic cultural assassins on the one side and altruistic defenders of the good on the other .


  25. Once again , the evaluation of the Epicurean hedonistic ethics Epicurean hedonism reasonable to emphasize the inherent perfection of reason and virtue to get happiness , external focus on equality miscible concept of friendship to get happy .


  26. It takes about half an hour for the hard-working Dr Jekyll to mutate into a hedonistic Mr Hyde , and from then on the film just keeps charging from one orgy to the next until the inevitable day when the FBI agent makes his move .
