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  1. If we give this job to helga , do you think she will rise to the challenge ?


  2. Since childhood time , Helga Weyhe was a bookworm .


  3. Jenny : Helga Peters * We don 't know what make her car is .


  4. Helga : do you know kent 's father is a Taipei City councilman ?


  5. I found myself wondering if Jack Torrance , the murderously blocked writer in " The Shining , " might have found a more agreeable balance of work and play at Helga 's Folly .


  6. The four school Houses are named after them : Godric Gryffindor , Helga Hufflepuff , Rowena Ravenclaw , and Salazar Slytherin .


  7. I did so , called Mr. Yapa on my cellphone and together we drove from the temple into the hills above the city , where I was due for an evening at Helga 's Folly .


  8. All living creatures , when they have been injured , seek desperately to make the best of a bad business . Helga : Nor me . It must be very difficult for them to try to pick up the pieces after such a catastrophe .


  9. And I should like to look into the loyal , trusting eyes of my dogs-the grave , canny little Scottie , Darkie , and the stalwart , understanding Great Dane , Helga , whose warm , tender , and playful friendships are so comforting to me .


  10. Helga 's Folly ( 32 Frederick E. de Silva Mawatha , Kandy , 94-81-223-4571 , helgasfolly . com ) : A delightful alternative universe to Sri Lanka , fashioned by an eccentric native . Luxurious in its own way , with delicious dinners .


  11. While eating my excellent curried lamb in the candlelit dining room connected to my suite , a red-haired , pale-skinned woman in a crushed velvet dress and oversized sunglasses materialized from an unseen staircase . This was the proprietress , Helga Perera .


  12. And I should like to look into the loyal , trusting eyes of my dogs - the grave , canny little Scottie , Darkie , and the stalwart , understanding Great Dane , Helga , whose warm , tender , and playful friendships are so comforting to me .
