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  • 网络霍夫;名人堂
  1. Hof set the world record for full body ice contact endurance in2004 , when he immersed himself in ice for68 minutes .


  2. Indeed , his only real case for the HOF is if he made very significant contributions to promoting basketball globally .


  3. There are136 players inducted into the HOF , a lot of them have surprisingly low career numbers .


  4. Wim Hof , 48 , stood on a Manhattan street in a clear container filled with ice for an hour and12 minutes Saturday .


  5. METHODS Tumor cells in thoracic liquid were determined by immunoglobulin G fluorescence ( IGF ), hematoporphyrin fluorescence ( HOF ) and acridine orange fluorescence ( AOF ) .


  6. Before he enters the Basketball Hall of Fame , Tracy McGrady 's impeccable sneaker game earns him an induction into the KICKS HOF .


  7. The effect of the finishing temperature and finishing pass reduction on the texture and drawability of hof rolled plate of semi-killed steel is studied with an analysis of ODF and inverse pole figure .


  8. In the fields outside the tiny town of Tildonk , father and son team Andre and Dries Janssens operate one of the most unique breweries in the world : Hof ten Dormaal .


  9. If it came down to me voting him in I wouldn 't , but I wouldn 't really get angry if he did get in because hes extremely close to having a definite HOF career .


  10. Like Hopkins , the JM Marquez of2009 is already a future first-ballot HOF inductee , however , the Mexican technician is probably on the downside of his career .


  11. It has been found that several theoretical parameters correlate well with the logarithm of free radical scavenging rate constant for the antioxidants . In these parameters , Δ HOF value characterizing the O-H bond dissociation energy was best studied .


  12. T-Mac graced the cover of KICKS 6 , 8 and 9 , and considering the amount of ink we 've devoted to him in this magazine over the years , it 's about time he got the sneaker HOF recognition here , to go with the Naismith HOF honors he 'll be earning this September .
