hoi polloi
- n.寻常百姓;草民;乌合之众

hoi polloi
N-PLURAL 草民;乌合之众;老百姓
If someone refers to the hoi polloi, they are referring in a humorous or rather rude way to ordinary people, in contrast to rich, well-educated, or upper-class people.Monstrously inflated costs are designed to keep the hoi polloi at bay.
Monstrously inflated costs are designed to keep the hoi polloi at bay .
Others are highly successful in non-pop genres but are remembered by the public for the one that appealed to the hoi polloi .
It is not just written by the hoi polloi , it is peer-reviewed by them too .
Exclusive and super-exclusive The old Stork Club invented the idea of a club-within-a-club when it opened the Cub Room for celebrities to hide out from the hoi polloi .
The sites essentially MySpace for millionaires promise safe havens for the affluent where they can flirt , swap advice , plan parties and find new pals without mixing with hoi polloi .
The realization of Confucian political ideal must depend on political authority and don 't deny existent absolute monarchy , on the contrary , Confucianists think that absolute monarchy nourish taking care of hoi polloi ' survival and order .