homogeneous coordinates

美 [ˌhoʊməˈdʒiːniəs koʊˈɔːrdɪneɪts]英 [ˌhɒməˈdʒiːniəs kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪts]
  • 齐次坐标
homogeneous coordinateshomogeneous coordinates
  1. Transformation of homogeneous coordinates and its application in the analysis of spatial mechanism


  2. Application of homogeneous coordinates in geometrical compositive analysis of structures


  3. Finally , extension algorithms for NURBS curves are discussed by means of homogeneous coordinates .


  4. Homogeneous Coordinates and its Applications


  5. Based on homogeneous coordinates , this paper presents a convenient algorithm for approximate degree reduction of NURBS and rational Bezier curves and surfaces .


  6. The application of homogeneous coordinates in the analysis of complex spatial mechanism is presented . The definition , properties and transformation of the homogeneous coordinates are presented .


  7. Homogeneous coordinates are very useful and fundamental concept in computer graphics , such as projecting a3D scene onto a2D plane .


  8. The solution of ship-mounted crane anti-sway is based on robots kinematics , homogeneous coordinates and knowledge of dynamics and Combined with characteristics of ship-mounted crane .


  9. The eigenvectors are vector of homogeneous coordinates of control vertices . And the ratio of corresponding weights of two curves equals ratio of corresponding barycenter coordinate of corresponding points on curves .


  10. Moreover , the kinematics model was built by homogeneous coordinates while kinetics model of single-supporting was built by Lagrange function . Secondly , the movement unit on humanoid soccer robot was studied .


  11. The main contents are follows : In this thesis , we first introduce some basic theories of multiple view geometry , such as homogeneous coordinates , projective geometry , pinhole camera model , two-view geometry etc.


  12. At the beginning , the basic theory of plane measurement ? some basic elements in planar projective geometry , including 2D protective plane , homogeneous coordinates and homography are introduced . The pinhole camera model and the basic algorithm of image measurement are discussed .


  13. With the representation of homogeneous coordinates , we explain the geometric sense for the weights of NURBS surface firstly , and then prove in the paper that when one weight changes , the points of NURBS surface move toward or away from the control points .


  14. In the thesis , such mathematical and mechanical knowledge as matrix algebra , tensor analysis , homogeneous coordinates and their transformation , Lagrange 's and Euler 's dynamics equations are used to analyze the kinematics and dynamics of the 3-dimensional shaker mixer in great detail .


  15. With the technique of homogeneous barycentric coordinates and sharpness factor , a new filtering algorithm is developed .


  16. This paper gives the method of homogeneous projection coordinates system that is established by original element turning to natural coordinates system under the projective change .


  17. Based on homogeneous barycentric coordinates , a new geometric variable , sharpness factor , is defined for measuring sharpness of independent vertexes .


  18. Basing on projective geometry , the author of this paper offers a general analysis of photogrammetric geometry theory and puts forward the photogrammetric equations expressed by homogeneous projective coordinates .


  19. We introduce homogeneous barycentric coordinates for discrete surface processing , and any vertex can be expressed as a homogeneous weighting center of its neighboring vertexes and neighboring planes .


  20. It is shown that the 2_dimensional projective coordinate system can be constructed by homogeneous vector on the basis of the Descartes homogeneous coordinates .
