With my wife and children I found with great difficulty a room in the Kiev Hostelry .
Nothing is more common than a cart or a truck at the door of a hostelry .
Winifred had thought it would be " amusing " to see this far-famed hostelry .
The Thenardier hostelry was like a spider 's web , in which Cosette had been caught , and where she lay trembling .
But at a hostelry nearby , I found one answer to my questions : 30-odd people setting off fireworks and consuming a 24-inch birthday cake to celebrate the birthday of a one-year-old girl .
On Christmas eve itself , a number of men , carters , and peddlers , were seated at table , drinking and smoking around four or five candles in the public room of Thenardier 's hostelry .
As she passed the Thenardier hostelry , the two little girls , blissful in the monster swing , had dazzled her in a manner , and she had halted in front of that vision of joy .
As the Thenardier hostelry was in that part of the village which is near the church , it was to the spring in the forest in the direction of Chelles that Cosette was obliged to go for her water .
In typically Chinese defiance of both the global economic crisis and a glut of Shanghai luxury hotel rooms , the peace hotel is to reopen in March as a luxury hostelry , managed by Fairmont , the historic hotel operator .