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  • 网络高精度事件定时器(High Precision Event Timer)
  1. ~ ( 18 ) F-FDG hPET / CT in the diagnosis of recurrent and metastatic colorectal cancer


  2. Results The sensitivity of hPET / CT in detection of primary esophageal carcinoma was 93 . 3 % ( 28 / 30 ) .


  3. Conclusion ~ 18 F - FDG hPET / CT imaging is able to improve the accuracy of IMRT for non-small cell lung cancer patients .


  4. Results 1 . Before FDG hPET / CT , curative plan was intended for 26 patients and palliative plan for 10 among these 36 patients .


  5. Comparison of the clinical values of ~ ( 18 ) F-FDG hPET / CT and ~ ( 99 ) Tc ~ m-MDP bone scanning in detection of bone metastases
