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  • 网络心脏移植;黑头消溶因子;和记电讯;因子
  1. Methods : Applying literature statistic method , add up , classify and analyze 55 herbs with HTX .


  2. The HGF concentration of rats serum and liver tissue of each group heightened and become obviously on 3d after HTx .


  3. Conclusions : There exists some relation between herbs property and HTX . To study and analyze the harm of herbs with literature statistics method is feasible .


  4. It can solve the main problems of the HTx , the lack of human liver cells and serious immunological rejection after transplantation , at the same time .


  5. Therefore , HTx transplantation ( Hepatocyte transplantation , HTx ) that has the advantage of mini invasive and fewer complications has important clinical significance .


  6. Background Heart transplantations ( HTx ) have become the effective therapy to sorts of terminal cardiopathy with progress of heart preservation , surgical technique , immunosuppressive and antiseptic drugs .


  7. Objective : Study the reports on the hepatotoxicity ( HTX ) of herbs in certain literature and the relation between the HTX and four characters ( FC ), five tastes ( FT ), channel distributions ( CD ) and active components ( AC ) of herbs .
