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  1. Determination of the rock burst hazardous indices in mining work - ings


  2. The evolution of human settlement model influences the relationship between human be - ings and nature .


  3. Dave Ings is a Program Director in the IBM Software Standards group .


  4. Special provisions in substantial law should not be the criterion of legitimacy of evidence in civil proceed - ings .


  5. The stability of the long - period grat - ings written in hydrogen - loaded standard single - mode fibers are studied and discussed .


  6. Former Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority CEO Richard Ings said that Horton should receive a heavy penalty for the protest .


  7. The authors hope that their research find - ings may help readers to be further aware of the differences and characteristics of students ' behavior in the process of teaching interaction .


  8. ( IBM , Dave Ings ) XPDL defines a modeling language ( that partially overlaps with BPMN ) and process model exchange format .


  9. ( IBM , Dave Ings ) BPMN defines the modeling ( business process design ) environment whereas the BPEL standard defines the core of the deployment ( runtime ) environment .


  10. Love and best wish for merry Christmas and happy prosperous new year . May its ble ings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear .


  11. The narrative irony , a basic way of ironical discourse , aims at revealing the real intention of writ - ings through the conflict of two opposites .


  12. Light vied with wine , elegance mixed with fragrance , laughing covered by greet ings , the crowed was busy at handshaking .


  13. It was the finest thing yet that he had seen in this small glimpse of that world . May the New Year bring many good things and rich ble ings to you and all those you love !


  14. Objective To explore the occurrence , clinical characteristics , pulmonary function , radiographic find - ings and the associated factors of pulmonary interstitial fibrosis in rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) to build up knowledge for early diagnosis .


  15. In this article shapes of parisons and blowing mandrels for injection blow mould - ings were designed according to the shapes of finished articles and the feature of injec - tion blow moulding process .


  16. I suddenly understood , that person has become one of the past , a posture , facial expression_r , able ings all began , leaving a forgotten shadow , a flick , how also can 't touch the shadow .


  17. As the painters of hometown of rock-color paint - ings , we should self-examine profoundly this cultural phenomenon , advocate traditional relapse again , achieve rejuvenation of Chinese rock-color paintings and enrich modern artistic creation .


  18. The influence of different kinds of functional filler , such as electric carbon black , nickel powder and graphite powder , on the electromagnetism shield properties of composite coat - ings was researched in 9 ~ 10 ~ 6 kHz frequency electromagnetic wave region .


  19. Richard Ings , a former head of rules and competition at the Association of Tennis Professionals , told the BBC on Monday : " If you were going to invent a sport that was perfect for match fixing that would be tennis . "


  20. Using phenylethylene-acrylic ester emulsion as the binder , and tetramethylolmethane , trimeric cyanamide , ammonium biphosphate and titanic oxide as fire protection additive and assistant , aqueous ostentatious one pack fire retardant coat - ings of steel structure with thin coating is prepared .
