- n.瞬间;即刻

The shooting of naval guns is a complicated process with instantaneousness , high energy and strong impact .
Instantaneousness and Eternity of Art Image
The internet bank operation has the characteristics of high technicality , none-paper , instantaneousness , which makes its legal problems rather abundant and complicated .
Japanese scholar Akagi H. put forward instantaneous reactive power theory in 1980S , 20 century , meeting the demand for real time and instantaneousness .
Einstein described quantum mechanics as " spooky " because of the instantaneousness of the apparent remote interaction between two entangled particles .
The real-time task is divided into many subtasks which are rearranged according to the degree of instantaneousness with operational research method so as to reduce the response time of the task and the total waiting time .
Discusses the principles for testing English Intuition , which includes the Principles of Syntax-independence , Exclusion of Barriers of Certain Words , Instantaneousness as well as principle of the Distinguishing Between Intuitions Based on L1 and English Language .
It is the characteristics of instantaneousness , simultaneousness and rich information of movie and television media that make the " globalization " of the contemporary world more obvious and make the " global village " defined by McLuhan come true .
Because service is different from entity product , it has some special characters , such as otherness , intangibleness , instantaneousness of producing and consuming , the mistakes will occur inevitably when the service is supplied to customers .