
  1. Most of the basic IDE capabilities so widespread today were first introduced to the industry in IntelliJ IDEA .


  2. Japan : Provides an Ant task and IntelliJ plug-in for analyzing package dependencies using an XML configuration .


  3. I would also love to see an update to the JavaFX IntelliJ plug-in that showed a lot of promise .


  4. Lastly , many may not realize that Intellij also supports other languages via plugins , like Ruby and PHP .


  5. Intellij 's improved performance facilitated some feature enhancements like " instant " code completion and faster opening of projects .


  6. Static Analysis tools such as FindBugs , IntelliJ , Checkstyle and PMD are widely used in Java development .


  7. For example FindBugs and IntelliJ both define their own annotations to indicate when a method may return null .


  8. This enables auto-complete features in IDE 's such as IntelliJ and Eclipse , making configuring simpler .


  9. You 'll get some support for working in hosted mode if you use an integrated development environment ( IDE ), such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA .


  10. This Ivy extension provides some useful Ant targets , such as creating Eclipse and IntelliJ project files from a list of dependencies .


  11. To tell the truth , we believe that competition between the2 free tools is much tougher that between any one of them and IntelliJ IDEA .


  12. For that reason some developers may prefer to write code on the JVM using Eclipse or Intellij and then do final debugging under Visual Studio .


  13. As of this writing , at least one IDE ( IntelliJ IDEA ) provides support in the editor for keeping all these items in a consistent state .


  14. This is something we need to be involved with especially since there are good people doing good work on both the IntelliJ and NetBeans tooling support for Groovy .


  15. Ann : MPS itself is built on the IntelliJ Platform , and it serves , in turn , as a platform for creating other tools .


  16. Although I 'm only mentioning the plugin for IntelliJ IDEA , for your Groovy developments , you don 't have to change your habits .


  17. Getting back to your question about the trend , I would say that yes , IntelliJ IDEA is already a cross-language IDE , and is going to continue being such .


  18. IDEs typically are the well known ones , with IntelliJ , NetBeans and Eclipse all offering their own plugin systems as ways to customise the experience .


  19. JavaScript and HTML are very dynamic in nature , which is powerful , but also makes it difficult for tool vendors to build IDEs at Eclipse and IntelliJ 's Java level .


  20. I should also mention IntelliJ contains nice refactoring capabilities for SCA XML assemblies such as automatic renaming in XML when a class is renamed or its package changes .


  21. At the end of the day , you won 't even notice whether you 're developing a class in Groovy or in Java , considering the level of interplay and support offered inside IntelliJ IDEA .


  22. A modern Java IDE , such as Eclipse , Netbeans , or IntelliJ , although not technically required , will be a great help if you wish to perform the migration steps described here .


  23. In addition , the IntelliJ Scala plugin now understands implicits in nearly all cases , so if you 're not sure what 's happening control + click will take you to what 's actually being called .
