
  • v.相互依存;互相依赖(存)


be connected
In my heart I can make the world hang together
Synonym: hang together


  1. These four levels interrelate and interdepend each other . When we deal with medical image which accord with DICOM standard , primary problem is how to get the data of the image file .


  2. International society is a historical category born under special period on which various entities of the mankind society connect each other closer and closer , interdepend and interact more intensely day and day .


  3. In the end , text describes how to channel into priority step of performance management system within an enterprise , and drawing the conclusion : The performance management system and other human resources administrative system interdepend , support each other ;


  4. The principles of human-centered design emphasized that the human factor should be the first consideration in the design . Human-centered design emphasizes that people , products , the environment , society should interdepend between each other and promote symbiotic relationship .


  5. This text define meaning and his system characteristic that corporate governance at first , point out corporate governance outside system and inside administration structure interdepend , complement each other , it will influence the company manage efficiency to put undue emphasis on either party .


  6. In the second part , Through reviewing the development courses of China and international mechanism relation , interdepend characteristic of the time , reshaping the diplomatic idea so as to prove that it is rational for China choosing to participating strategy to come to mould again ;
