首页 / 词典 / good


  • abbr.整数;密度;强度;强的;强烈的;国家综合电信系统(Integrated National Telecommunications System)
  1. INTS Test System Without Test Paper and Floppy Disk


  2. Equations of Motion of Thermal Density Current and Calculation of Ints Interface


  3. You can fill a matrix with random ints and complexes .


  4. For actually working with the data , ints are far more convenient and efficient than Strings .


  5. The assertions used in this example show how we can pass as many ints as desired .


  6. If you multiply two ints that are big enough , you 'll overflow the result .


  7. An internet-and-Network based Test System ( INTS ) without lost paper and floppy disk is introduced here .


  8. It is not guaranteed to work if pointers are larger than ints .


  9. Two constructors are defined on the class : one taking an int and one taking a pair of ints .


  10. To enable memory access , it provides put and set methods for ints , chars , and bytes .


  11. So , should I be drawing these boxes four times bigger since ints are four times bigger than chars usually ?


  12. Use ints where they make sense , but don 't agonize over the performance implications of int versus Number .


  13. Also , notice that you can 't just pass any old Strings and ints and arrays as the expectation arguments .


  14. James Lowden 's proposal allows longs to be used as array indices in place of32-bit ints .


  15. This says that k has type array of ints , temperatures has type array of doubles , and names has type array of Strings .


  16. Specifically , complex numbers became incomparable to other numbers , including both other complex numbers and ints , floats , and longs .


  17. When old clients send ints , the integer characters are still characters , and they can be sent as strings as well as ints .


  18. Author discusses the problem of development of Chinese supervision enterprise acceding to WTO , and po - ints out that challenging will accompany opportunity in the condition .


  19. Much of that data is still stored as Strings with the generated code bindings , but some values can be converted to ints and others to object references .


  20. Indeed , when working with integers , floats and doubles can have decidedly worse accuracy than ints and longs .


  21. Moreover , not being able to compare among floats , ints , and longs ( or , for example , decimal ) would be awkward .


  22. It 's an easy matter to expand the phone types from ints to strings , although it will be a bit more work for your service to validate the incoming strings .


  23. Moving simple types between the kernel and user-space ( such as ints or longs ) is accomplished easily with get_user and put_user .


  24. So at the end of the day we 're not gonna get out of this need to compare , at least in this context of cups that have weights or ints that have values .


  25. More interesting examples follow , including : methods whose names are operators , forcing Ints to behave as values , the = = operato , instance locking , and array covariance .


  26. It just throws the decimal point away and that 's because , again , these are ints and the answer intuitively should be a floating point value , but I need to be more specific .


  27. In arrays , this was very specific , as arrays are strongly typed an int [ ] can only contain ints and therefore there are no typecasts in the loop .


  28. The reason I want to point this out to you is , if we go back up to the kinds of data objects we started with , floats , ints , strings , they actually behave the same way .


  29. And if it sees S-W-A-P , open parentheses , close parentheses , and it hopefully sees two ints inside of it , that 's all it needs to do in order to finish compiling your code .


  30. The oceans are proved to be a source for atomospheric methane , while in different sea area , the concentration of methane dissolved in seawater and the methane flux injected ints the atmosphere from the ocean surface vary greatly .
