
  • v.内陷,内折(形成腔式囊);收进鞘中;陷入;使入鞘;收进鞘中
  • adj.凹入
  • invaginate的过去分词和过去式
  1. Membranes of host mesophyll cells had marked pathological changes , organelles disintegrated , cytoplasm condensed , plasmalemma invaginated , and eventually the whole cell disintegrated and necrotized .


  2. The discovery and research in body wall invaginated tissue of Bombyx mori Larvae Wu


  3. Clinical Analysis of Colon J Hoard Bag Invaginated Anastomosis in Rectal Cancer Anterior Resection


  4. Application of a New Anastomosis - Esophageal Wall - Gastric Mucosa Invaginated Anastomosis in the Operation of Cardial Cancer


  5. Perioperative Nursing Care in the Invaginated Colon-Rectum Mucosal Anastomosis for Conservation of Anus


  6. The outer acrosome membrances invaginated to form vesicles ;


  7. Each cysticercus consists of a cyst wall and a single scolex invaginated into the lumen .


  8. The double membranes of amyloplast invaginated and the inner membrane dilated to form new amyloplast in the amyloplast .


  9. " cysticercus : The larval stage of many tapeworms , consisting of a single invaginated scolex enclosed in a fluid-filled cyst . "


  10. At the28th day of incubation , solid dorsal gland buds were formed from the invaginated epidermis of the second row scales at the either sides of dorsal central line .


  11. Report of the Gastro-esophageal Anastomosis with Mucosal Valve and Invagination in 88 Patients Perioperative Nursing Care in the Invaginated Colon-Rectum Mucosal Anastomosis for Conservation of Anus


  12. Lamina propria and muscularis mucosae have not yet invaginate in the epithelial lining which forms the fold or villus . Tunica adventitia contains many blood vessels .


  13. When a hypha enters a large cell , it is encircled tightly by the invaginated plasmalemma which is surrounded by a large number of vesicles coated by a unit membrane .


  14. Results The average time of the double-deck continuous invaginated pancreaticoenterostomy was 11 minutes , the operational time was shortened obviously , and there was no pancreaticoenterostomy leakage in all cases , no death happened .


  15. Swelled regions ( Positive G-bands ) and invaginated regions ( Negative G-bands or interband regions ) appeared in G-banded chromosomes . This phenomenon corresponded to G-bands in the LM .


  16. Methods : For the rectal cancer low anterior resection , 57 cases in treatment group received the colon J hoard bag super-low invaginated anastomosis , 48 cases in control group received anastomosis of stump of colon and rectum .


  17. The roof of the archenteron consists of cells invaginated over the dorsal lip . 3 . During neurulation the cells of the dorsal wall of the archenteron form the temporarily existed structures-the back fold and the subnotochord , which soon disappear .
