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  • abbr.IPSA公司;International Passenger Ship Association 国际客轮协会;Independent Pool Service Association 联合经营独立协会
  1. Res ipsa loquitur proven method has its advantages in handling damages in medical tort cases .


  2. The principle of res ipsa loquitur is a special evidence rule or doctrine in Anglo-American tort law .


  3. Inter-Phase-Slip Algorithm method ( IPSA ) is used to solve N-S equations , while turbulence is considered with modified k-e model .


  4. The parabolic two-phase flow conservation equations are presented using HFC-134A as the refrigerant . Also described is the IPSA algorithm , important in modeling non-equilibrium effects .


  5. Res ipsa loquitur does not normally entail a presumption of the defendant 's fault , nor a shift in the burden of proof .


  6. Principle of res ipsa loquitur is one system in British and American law of torts . It belongs to the presumption of facts not that of evidence in the process of judicial judgment .


  7. The IPSA model solves the Navier-Stokes equations of each phase with the interphase interactions between two phases of water and air , including the interphase drag forces , interphase lift forces , interphase pressure and virtual mass forces .
