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  • 网络夏季;南半球冬季;珠宝协会;约瑟夫森结阵列;约瑟夫森结阵
  1. This paper is based on the planning and design of wan Jja valley reservoir .


  2. The character of water vapor transportation path in North China region in summer months ( JJA ) is very different from 1950 ′ s to 2000 ′ s.


  3. On the interannual time scale , there exists significant positive correlation between the transient heat flux and the strength of jet stream in summer ( JJA mean ), June , July , August , respectively .


  4. Based on the canonical ensemble correlation prediction ( CECP ) model for seasonal precipitation anomaly , space-temporal characteristics between SSTA and summer ( JJA ) precipitation in China are analyzed , using various seasons and different regional sea surface temperature anomalies ( SSTA ) as predictor fields .


  5. The secular trend and interdecadal variation of precipitation from June to August ( JJA ) in 1948-2001 over the Northern Hemisphere ( NH ), the Southern Hemisphere ( SH ), China , Eurasia , Africa , Australia , North America , South America and Antarctica are investigated .
